Chapter 10: Hallucinations

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Joey and Arcadia woke up at approximately 4 am, suitcases packed. they stood at her windowsill, hands intertwined, staring down at the lively garden below. The remaining glass of her window was removed for re‐paneling. All that was left was for them to jump, and fly away from their worries. "It'll be okay, I know you can do it." Joey gave Arcadia a short, yet sweet kiss. Taking a deep breath, she walks off the platform. She walked on air, and luckily so did Joey.          "I think I'll be okay now. Can I let go? Do you know what you're doing?" Arcadia asks, continuing to walk higher and higher, out of sight. "Probably." He says confidently, even though on the inside, he was nervous. She let go, but a few seconds later, he began to flail around, as if he were going to fall. As Arcadia attempted to grab him, her concentration lowered, and Joey began to fall.

Arcadia still stood, trembling in fear as she watched him fall. With no concentration, there was nothing she could do but watch. "Joey p‐please don't die like this. I don't want to lose you. This is all my fault." "Arcadia? what's wrong?" Her vision fades, and reappears. But when Arcadia could see again, Joey was in front of her, looking confused. "What happened? You started muttering things about me dying, and it really started to scare me. Are you okay?" She hugs him tightly, making sure that it wasn't another mind trick.   "I‐I'm fine. It was just a hallucination." Arcadia releases, him, and continues walking mid‐air. Her entire body refused to stop shaking as she continued her way to the Monoke Forest. Joey followed behind, worried about her. After a few minutes of continuous walking, her shaking stopped and Joey could hear her humming cheerily, as if her hallucination had never happened. Everything seemed fine to Joey, until Arcadia stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes widened in horror, and she started sobbing. He wasn't sure what to do. He decides to go in front of her, and shakes her shoulder lightly.          "Arcadia! Arcadia snap out of it!" He shouts, as worry starts to overflow his body. Why was this happening to her? What could have happened to make these hallucinations start? Arcadia blinks, and realizes the tears falling down her face.         "It happened again. this time, I saw Blue. She fell from out of the backpack, and fell to the ground. Being as high up as we are, she would've had no chance even if she did land in water." Joey kisses her forehead. "It'll be okay. We're almost there, so try to keep humming. That seemed to help, don't you think?" She nods meekly, and continues. They could barely see the tips of the trees of the Monoke Forest.          "Let's fly down now, before the forest gets too dense for a landing." Joey nods, and they begin to walk down.

Arcadia is bewildered as she sees the elegant forest below. "It's beautiful! How do you know about this place!?" Joey smiles brightly.         "My house used to reside in this forest. Do you remember? You were so shy, and I remember when I first saw you that you called me cute. Well, inside your head. Then, I gave you a grand tour, and even showed you the garden! I remember that when we were walking through the flowerbeds, that the Kora leaves kept trying to grab your ankles! I was horrified, but you kept laughing and just said it was because that they liked you."  "Oh yeah! I was obsessed with the big bungalow trees in your backyard, and the odd creatures that roamed around!" The two of them laughed, finally landing on the ground safely. Arcadia could feel Blue squirming around in the backpack, and opened the flap. "Come walk around Blue; you have to see, it's beautiful!" Arcadia nearly died of a cuteness overload as Blue began to run around, and climb trees."The house eventually got bulldozed; it was shortly after we moved into the mansion." "Oh. That's too bad. It would've been cool to see it again. It would've strengthened my memory. But that's alright."         "I wish i could have saved, it, but they did leave the garden. No garden of a monarch is ever destroyed. It's a disgrace to ever destroy the garden; they're sacred to all monarchs. So we could still go see it, after we meet up with Ae‐the person we're meeting here." "Joey? Why are you hiding who we're supposed to meet here from me?"

She asks, a bit hurt. "It's someone who was very important to your childhood, and would definitely strengthen your memory. But I want it to be a surprise. It's actually a surprise for him too." "So we're sort of surprising each other?" Arcadia asks, a bit confused'"Exactly. All he knows is that me and my girlfriend are coming to visit him for the month. But, since I can only contact him by letter, I don't contact him much, as sad as it seems. Besides, he's a busy man, all alone in that lab of his."   "So why do people think he's unstable? I mean what could he have done if he's such a brilliant mastermind?" She asks, grabbing Blue so she wouldn't go off too far. "He created something called the Infinity Wand. it's a very powerful wand that can do a myriad of things, that I won't list. He was so proud of his newest creation, he invited many people to his house to show off the wand, and it backfired. the Monoke Forest burned to ashes, which started a massive storm of lightning, tornadoes, and other terrible weather disasters. All of the setback only pertained to the Monoke forest, but many were hurt, some were killed. Guards tried to capture him, but he used the wand again, and caused four times as much damage and deaths.

Though he only used the wand to protect himself, people thought he had become a psychopath throughout the process of making the wand. Speaking of him, look, we're here." Arcadia looked around, but saw only a large, massive camper tree, and a fairy circle in front of it. "Uh Joey? I don't see a lab." He chuckles. "We need to step into the fairy circle." He explains, taking her hand and bringing her closer. Arcadia steps into the fairy circle out of curiosity, and Joey hurried into it, barely stepping on before the circle began to rotate, and then dropped down slowly like an elevator. "What the hell?" She mutters, eyes wide. "Did I not mention it was a secret lab?" Eventually, the platform stopped, and rotated a bit more. Joey and Arcadia were then face to face with a massive, intimidating European dragon.

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