Well Well

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"Speak up,Bitch!"  A bold bully named Tisha yells as I look up at her angered. "I don't want any problems right now bruhh." I replied. Tisha has been my bully for almost 3 years now. I don't have the voice to speak up for myself. I've always been quiet but that never stops a bully or anyone else for that matter. I'm Jace👋🏽. I'm the melanin magic you see above 😉👆🏽. I'm a victim of bullying and discrimination. Listen closely and understand my story.

"You're late, Ms. Green." Mr. Thomas barked. "Sorry, I had a little accident sir." I quietly replied with my head low. I quickly moved over to my desk and hurried to unpack my bag. We began our lesson for the day and no later than 20 minutes, Tisha begins to pick on me. "Well hello Meatbag." She taunted. If only I could ignore her. "I will be seeing you after school." She continued. Throughout lunch, P.E., and Art; she none stop picked at me. She was a super skinny blond with the tiniest of eyes 😂 tattoos and piercings . But she was scary. She never liked me because of my skin and GPA. I excelled beyond my class but I had friends I couldn't leave behind. I had plans for today after school. I was gonna meet up with my Bestfriend, Jordan. We were gonna go to the movies then DQ. "Damn I gotta find a way to avoid that girl." I began. "Don't she have anything better to do than to bother me on my chill day" I continued. I ran to the gym and waited for her to walk by. I waited 1 minute and ran out the back door of the school. I ran to my car outside and raced off campus. I knew I wasn't gonna hear the end of it tomorrow but dang that girl is scary. I'm sure she could bite a brick if she wanted to. I made it home and changed into my burgundy tee and denim jeans 👆🏽👌🏽😉. I met Jordan at the movies and we watched "The Greatest Showman". I was distracted partially by the cutest guy ever. Love at first sight may not exist but he sure had me intrigued. After the movie I searched the theater for him like a stalker 😂. I finally found him at the concession stands in the lobby. I was shy so I sent Jordan to talk to him. Hey! At least I found him. She asked him his name and if he was single. His name was Mike and YES!! He was single and I was the luckiest girl in the world... 😉🤞🏽 She gave him my name, number and we began from there. Jordan and I left and went straight to DQ. We sat down with our ice cream and I got a text.

Mike: Hey Beautiful ☺️
He texted me.
What do I do?
Hey wassup!
Hi 😊
Marry Me?

I lost it. I was panicking so hard I squeezed the hell outta my phone. Jordan took the phone and replied.

Me: Hey🙃

Ahhh... That seemed like the best text to send. Why didn't I think of that? I patiently waited for a reply and forgot I had ice cream🤦🏽‍♀️. I was about to tell Jordan about Tisha when my phone dinged😁.

Mike: How are you?
Me: Great... What about yourself?
Mike: I'm good. I'm glad I got your number, I wanted to speak to you before the movie.

Oh my lordt! I nearly fainted. I blushed typing every letter replying.

Me: Wow... I'm glad I told my friend to help me out then.
Mike: What you doing Saturday?
Me: Nothing planned...
Mike: Wanna go out for something to eat and get to know each other?

Oh Hell Yeah!! 🤗 I got a date. I feel like a silent beast.

Me: Yeah sounds good to me... 😌
Mike: Good... See you then 😘
Me: 😘😘

Wow..... I have a date. I'm liking the day so far.. What The Hell... My ice cream melted... How did that happen? Oh well, I still paid for it. We finished up and went home... Best day ever... I'm getting rest so I can see what my day will be like tomorrow... Oh yeah, Tisha 😫...

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