Chapter 1: The Accident

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Chapter 1

*Allison's Point Of View*

Swiftly maneuvering my car through the dark winding road, I turn on the radio. There happens to be one of my favorite upbeat house mixes. Even though I'm heading home after a party, I still want to hear the beat of the music. It makes me feel more alive.

I let my brain wander into the memories of tonight. I find myself snickering at the stupid things that I saw happening. All of a sudden, I'm hit with a bone shaking chill. No! This can't happen right now! I tighten my grip on the steering wheel and try to block out the ghosts presence. I try to slow down my breathing, but the sight of my breath coming out in white puffs only intensified my uneasiness. The temperature is quickly dropping, but I try to think about anything else. It wasn't working. The radio is suddenly cut off by some type of scratching, static noise.

Why now? I have never understood why I was able to communicate with the dead. People call it "a gift" or "a blessing", but honestly, it's a curse. I never once asked for to be able to speak to the dead, so why am I being punished with it? Everyone thinks that I am crazy, including my parents. Till this day, I still remember how my mom would scream at me for waking her up in the middle of the night after having a ghost show up in my room. She thought I just wanted the attention.

On my twelfth birthday, I had a party at my house and all my friends came over. They were all supposed to sleep over, but I got an unexpected visit. The strange thing about this visit was that my friends were able to see him too. I think he did that on purpose, freak all of my friends out. No one else has seen him since that day. Well, for people to see him that would mean that people would have to hang around me for long periods of time, but it's not like that ever happens.

The next day, my parents received multiple phone calls from every single one of the kids' parents They all thought that I had poisoned their minds. One parent even told my mom about a mental institute for little kids. Apparently seeing ghosts aren't normal.

After the rumors started to go around in our little, quaint community, my parents had no choice but to move. We ended up in Whiteford Forest, North Carolina. We didn't live in the forest, we lived in the city that was surrounded by a forest, I guess that's where it got its name from.

The loud static from the radio finally stopped, and I was left with an eerie silence. I sighed heavily and I let my hands relax around the steering wheel. In the distance, I could see something in the road. I squint my eyes to try to make out what was randomly standing in the middle of the road. I think it's a person! What was someone doing in the middle of the street this late at night?

Flickering my headlights off and on, I try to get the person's attention, but it was no use. Based upon the height and built of the person, I think it's a man. Honking my horn, I see him slightly turn towards my direction. He stood in an unusual stance with his shoulders slumped forward and his arms at his sides.

I put my foot on the break only to find that it doesn't work. This was bad, very very bad! If I didn't figure out a way to stop this car, I'm going to run him over! Instead of stopping, my car accelerated forward. The man wasn't too far away from me; I tried to pull the emergency break to only find it jammed in place.

Grasping the steering wheel firmly with both hands, I try to regain control of my vehicle, but it was too late. I let out a scream before I feel the impact of hitting the man, but instead of the person just rolling over my car, he managed to stop the car altogether. The car flipped several times on its side and particles of glass painfully piercing into my body.

Finally coming to a stop, I realize the car was upside down and I am still in it. Something wet trickled down my forehead and onto my hand. Blood-it's everywhere; I try to move, but cry out in pain as my leg is caught on something. Feeling completely disoriented, I try to get out of the car, only to find the seatbelt stuck. Looking down, I see a large shard of glass protruding from my stomach. Grasping the glass with one hand, I pull the glass out. More blood poured out of the wound, and black dots started clouding my vision. No, I will not pass out. I need to figure out a way to get out of here and find help. I'm a fighter, not a loser, I need to stay awake.

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