Chapter 2: You Say What?

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Chapter 2

* Allison's Point Of  View *

 As I wake up, I feel a softly cushioned bed beneath me. Opening my eyes, I'm blinded by a bright white light. I let a groan escape my lips as pain washed over my entire body. I try to roll over onto my side, but realized how weak I really felt. Blinking away the bright light, my eyes finally adjust to my surroundings. I think I’m in some type of fancy hospital room?

On one of the far off walls had a floor-to-ceiling glass cabinet of medications, surgical instruments, and other things you would find in a hospital. One of the other walls was covered in computers and other fancy equipment.

Where am I? What happened? Did I die? Those are the questions that seem to be running rabid in my head. 

Being momentarily disoriented, I try to remember what got me here in the first place. I scramble through my fuzzy brain, but only seem to find small tidbits of memories. I remember driving through an isolated road and then something happened and I ended up upside down in the car? Did I get that right? I didn’t know and quite frankly, right now, I just don’t care. Sadly, this seemed to happen to me more often that I would like it too.

For all I know this could just be another dreamscape the ghost is bringing me through. Dreamscape's are basically a manipulated dream. In the dream, the person that started the dream is the manipulator; they may manipulate the dream for the good or for the worst. Usually when a ghost manipulates the dream it’s never for the good.

I try to sit up in the bed and I groan out in pain. Every bone in my body is screaming out in protest, but I still manage to slowly get out of bed. Taking several shaky steps towards the bathroom, I use the IV pole to steady myself.

My breath was caught in my throat when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My normally wavy brown hair was pin straight with a dirty blond look to it. My boring brown eyes had a more grayish silver hue which gave it a more enchanting effect. It looks as if I grew several inches and shed those extra pounds.

“Hmmm, I can get used to this.” I said staring at myself in awe in the mirror. It’s not very often that you wake up in a hospital looking better than you did before whatever put you in here happened.

The excruciating pain takes over my body once again and I feel as if my lungs are screaming for air. I tightly grip on to the sink and realize I was holding my breath the entire time. Feeling lightheaded, I gladly welcome my lungs with air. 

 Looking back up at my reflection, I notice my silver eyes beginning to glow slightly. Slowly, but painfully, I feel my body starting to rejuvenate itself. It felt as if I was somehow healing myself inhumanly fast.

Starting to panic, I begin hyperventilating. What the freak is going on!

As awesome as all this seemed to be, it isn’t real. People don’t just end up in car accidents, and then wake up looking like they just went through thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery. That’s just not possible.

I hear a light knock at door and turn to see a nurse standing by the doorway. Just by glancing her way I can tell that she is in her mid-thirty’s. I noticed a few wrinkles lingering around her eyes and forehead. Her skin is slightly tanned which isn’t exactly odd since summer just ended. Her short, brown hair falling just below her shoulders suited her angular face. She had bright green eyes that could be noticed without even looking directly into them. Even with her age her beauty was unrecognizable.  She breaks me out of my trance by speaking.

"Oh, good! You're finally awake!" She chirps, "I'm Basil and I will be your nurse for the time being."

Instead of responding I just send a glare her way. The more distracted I become, the less likely it will be for me to wake up from this dreamscape. Closing my eyes, I try to concentrate. I imagine myself back in my room, beneath my covers, snuggled up next to my beloved Labrador.  

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