4: Behind Doors

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Laurance's POV:

I didn't understand. How could've I messed up already?

"Garroth! Come back!"

I went rushing up to the highest level of the house where Garroth's room was located. When I was only a few feet away, it slammed shut with a click of a lock. I slightly knocked on the door, hoping he was okay.

"Hey...are you okay," I asked, through the door.

"Please don't mind my rudeness but," Garroth's muffled voice that sounded like he was crying, came through the door. "I just want to be left alone."

I sighed and leaned closer to the door.

"I can't do that, I'm sorry," I say.


"I can't leave until you're happy. It's my job."

He didn't respond.

"What's bothering you?"


I slid down the door so that I was sitting down.

"Look," I say, trying not to slam open the door. "if we're going to make this work, you're going to have to open up to me. I know it strange and stupid but, it's the only way I can truly protect you."

"Laurance," His voice came again. "why do you care so much? We only met a few hours ago. Besides, like we agreed, neither of us want to do this."

I stayed silent.

"I'm only some rich kid who can't solve his problem. You're some awesome hero that deserves someone that worth protecting."

"Hey. Don't say that. Garroth, like I said before, it's my job. We were put together for a reason. Besides, you're nothing like I expected. You've been nothing but, kind to me."

"Heh, thanks."

"Don't mention it."

We went silent again.

"So, wanna tell me?"

He sighed.

"Yeah," He began. "I got an email from one of my ex-friends Gene. We used to be very close now, I can't stand the thought of him. Recently, he's been...toying with me. Telling me that I could've had it better if I hadn't...besides the point. Anyways, now, his whole group bothers me. Even my brothers."

I listened to every word. He wasn't telling me everything but, I could respect that. He needs time.

"It was a picture of him and I. That already got me. But," He sighed, shakily. "when you took my hands and said that, like he did, it got me...triggered. I'm sorry that I ran off but, I wanted to punch you so badly even though you aren't Gene."

"Thank you for telling me."

He went silent again.

"How close we you two?"


Again, didn't give me everything but, soon I'll get the answers I needed.

"Hey, can I come in," I asked.


I stood up and got close to the door to open it. Instead of me opening it though, Garroth did. Causing me to fall. Once I collected myself, I noticed a blue flannel and black top. I got up and looked down to see Garroth under me. He was blushing like crazy and soon, I was too.

"I-I-I-I'm so s-sorry," Garroth stuttered. "I thought I was going to o-open the door."

"Heh, it's fine," I say, still blushing. "I didn't know you stuttered so much."

"Y-Yeah, I do that when I'm n-nervous," He says. "Can you get u-up?"

"Oh! Right! Sorry!"

I got up and helped him up. We didn't really say anything. Just stood there. I never noticed how...handsome he was. His blonde hair swiped to one side, gently laying over one eye. Don't get me even started on those. They were a deep ocean blue. No wonder why I blushing.


I looked at the clock. Eight pm.

"H-Hey! Look at the time! Gotta go!"

Before he could say anything, I bolted out. I said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Ro'Meave and left.

Why was I acting like this!? I just met him!


Garroth's POV:

Before I could say anything, he left. Did he notice he was inching closer?

I don't know.

I was surprised I didn't get triggered when he fell on top of me.

Gene did that too.

Word Count

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