5.Color me impressed

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what a great day to forget my umbrella.... I sigh to myself as I stare at the pouring rain just outside the convenience store I had just left , should I just stay inside the store? or run out in the rain? but the things will get wet....but then I'll stand here forever....

"gaaah" I yell in frustration  to the sky, part that I can't even enjoy the weather and part due to my thoughts that weren't going anywhere as I move into the line of the pouring rain while lifitng my head up

"Mi Hyun?" a voice calls as an umbrella enters my line of sight and covers me from the pouring rain, so I tilt my head backwards enough to see who was behind me

"Lee Chan Hee" I gasp shocked

"what do you think you're doing in the rain?" he asks with an arched brow, still extending the umbrella 

"oh nothing just cursing at my luck" I casually shrug

he looks around for a bit "why don't you come with me?" he finally let out with a smile

"where?" I ask

"how about you turn around to see me properly instead of breaking your neck with this backward view first?" he teases as he moves closer so I do as he said -for the first time- but hey even Lee Chan Hee has some pretty decent logical things to say every once and a while

"so where to ?" I ask tagging along, I didn't have much to do anyway 

"can you guess" he smirked

"umm dance studio" I answered and he seemed a bit surprised

"good" he laughs

"what? did you think I was that clueless?" I tease with an arched brow

"hmmm could be" he teases back and I hit him with the bag I had in my hand

"I'm back" he yells as we enter through the front door 

"welcome ba-" ricky peeks in but suddenly stops when he sees me 

"MI HYUN NOONA" he yells as he runs my way and hugs me

"oh did ricky just say Mi Hyun?" L.Joe walks in after him

"yes yes look what chunji brought back" he laughs as I run my fingers through his hair, he's just so adorable I can't help it

"oh welcome to our dance studio" C.A.P announces with a smile as he walks in with a towel around his sweaty neck and a smile trying to conceal the obvious fast breathing, seems like I came in during their practice time

"oya Hyun!" changjo cheerfully yells with the same sweaty fast breathing as C.A.P

"welcome" Niel gave a more subtle smile

"so nice to have you come by" L.Joe laughs as he gives me a hug too

"watch out" C.A.P warns as he gives me a wet hug

"nooooo not a wet hug" I laugh as I slightly hug back

"shush you were already wet from the rain" he teases 

"number two!" changjo yells as he hugs me as well

the only two that just don't ever hug me are Niel and Lee Chan Hee, I wouldn't allow the later even if he tried which is why he hasn't

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