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It was this girl I was talking to for years; I was in the tenth grade when we started talking. At the time, I was talking to somebody else but it wasn't anything serious; we weren't together or anything like that. You know when you have that one person that you're always going to feelings for - that was her. We were talking for a while then I went on deployment in May of 2014 but I got hurt out there so I came back in June and I'd met this girl. I never knew that she was going to be the person I would fall in love with and things like that.

    So, me and her, we weren't serious at first; we were just cool, you know. I would go chill at her house but we weren't messing around or anything like that. A couple of months later, we decided we were going to do the do, like; we were going to be together. By December, it was way more serious than we thought so we started talking about marriage and things like that. On Valentine's Day the following year, we were together and everything and, at the time, my phone was broken. A few days later, I was leaving for work and I asked her, I said 'Bae, can you take my phone and go get the screen fixed?' At the time I knew I wasn't perfect; I knew I had messages in my phone but I didn't know if I deleted them or if they were still there. So, me being cautious, I was like let me take my sim card out, maybe she can't go through my phone. She took the phone and when she went got it fixed, she told me she was going to go through my phone. I was like 'Oh okay.' I mean, I'm not gon' tell you not to go through my phone because then its gon' make you want to go through it even more.

    Once she got it fixed, she went through it and she found stuff. Instead of her telling me 'I found stuff on your phone', she takes pictures of all of it and sent it to me on another phone. When I got it, I was at work so I was like 'Look, I'm 'bout to leave work. I gotta come home so we can talk about this'. Now, when I get home, I'm lying to her. I'm telling her 'No, that's not me texting her. That's my homeboy, we use the same iCloud. His stuff just comes to my phone'. Just throwing bullshit lies at her. She really didn't believe it but she's going along with it like she believes it.

    That same night, she started having chest pains and said she needed to go to the hospital and I said 'Okay, let's go'. I followed her to the hospital and while we're there, instead of worrying about her chest hurting, she said 'Call this number' and she called out the number to me. I knew who the number was and I knew that number wasn't her number anymore. So I called it like it was nothing and it went straight to voicemail. Then, she gave me another number, 'Call this number'. Now after I called the first number, I knew she was going to give the next number so I sent that girl a message on Instagram. I told her 'if my girl calls you, I ain't talk to you since a few months ago'. She replied 'Okay'. So, I called her and was like 'who is this?' She was like 'You know who this is'. I said to her, I was like 'No, I don't know. Who is this?' She told me who she was and I asked her when the last time her and I talked was. She went along with it and said exactly what I told her to say. Now, my ole lady still didn't believe it.

    When we got out the hospital, she told me all she wanted was for me to be honest with her. So, we're sitting in her car and I'm telling her, 'Look, I'm not finna tell you I did because I didn't'. After I told her that, we went our separate ways. She was going to her house and I was going to mine but at the same the same time, we were on the phone and I slipped up and admitted to it and she went berserk. She was like 'I'm done' and this, this and that. So I told her 'Look, I'm about to come to your house so we can talk about this' but she was like 'No, don't come to my house. I don't want you here'. I pulled up to her house at the same time she did and she really didn't have a choice but to let me in because she had to open the door anyway. So, I walked in the house right behind her and while time she's telling me to get out and that she's through with me and all that. I told her I didn't want to leave, but I also told her 'As bad as I don't want to leave, once I leave out this house, that's it.' She was like 'That's fine, I don't want you here anymore. I love you to death but I'm not about to let you fuck over me', so I left. I cried all the way home. I'm not going to lie to y'all; I cried all the way home.

    When I got home, I called her and tried to talk to her but she was steady telling me she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. So, I'm like okay and I go to sleep because I had to go to work the next day. I wake up at three-thirty so, I called her again and asked her what she was dong and if we could talk. Now, the whole time we're talking on the phone, she's texting my sister, telling her to tell me to leave her alone. When I got the text from my sister, I was like 'Are you on the phone with her or something' and she said 'No, I'm texting her'. So, I told my sister, since she said they were texting, to send me everything from the messages. She screenshot the messages and sent them to me and I read them. She was asking my sister for my mamas' number so he could call her and tell her what was going on and to get my mama to tell me to leave her alone. When I saw that, I hung up and called my mama and was like 'Look, I going through some things right now. I need to come over and talk to you' and she was like 'Come on, boy. I already know". On my way over there, I was good until I was like halfway there and I started boo-hooing. When I get there, I'm still crying and when I walked in the house, she was on the phone. So, I'm thinking she's on the phone with my girl so I started crying even louder so she could hear me through the phone. I wanted her to know I was crying so then maybe she would feel bad for me.

    After my mama got off the phone, she sat me down and was like 'Look boy, she didn't say she was done with you she just needs some time.' But the whole time, she never told me that, she just kept saying she was done with me. So, I'm taking it as her saying there is no getting back together. I felt like I lost the woman of my dreams, I've lost my future wife, I lost everything. All that time, when my mama told me that, I texted my girl and was like 'If I'm not the person you want, you need to let me know'. She never texted me back so I left my mama house and went home to get ready for work. When I got to work, I sent her another message saying 'If we gon' be together, we gon' be together. If not, then we won't. If I'm not the person you want to be with, all I can do is wish you the best. I only want to see you happy'. She texted me back saying 'If I'm a priority then you'll make a way to come talk to me'. Now, I'm at work and I can't just leave but at the same time, I know what I want and I want to make it right. I went to tell my supervisor what was going on and he told me to go and he'll count it as a vacation day.

    I left work and went straight to her house. When I got there, you know, we didn't talk about the situation, we were laughing and playing like nothing was wrong; like nothing ever happened. Eventually, we went in the room and she started asking me what happened and I told her everything; it was me, everything that she saw was me. It was messages going from 'What you doing' to 'I have on pink panties' to 'Ima send you a picture on SnapChat to show you what I have on in your favorite color', just crazy stuff. I told her it was all me and she had every right to be mad at me but little did I know she found more than I thought she did. So, she asked me who one girl was and I told her she was just somebody I was talking to at the beginning of the year before I met her. Then she asked about another girl and I told her the truth about her too. I had, basically, come clean about everything but at the same time, I was scared that I was digging myself into a deeper hole. Once everything was out there, she was like 'Well, I'm not gon' say Ima give you another chance but we can talk and try to fix it.

    A couple of days went by and nothing seemed to be wrong but little did I know it was. I called her one day and said 'Either you're going to give me another chance or you're not. I'm tired of playing these games.' She basically said 'Yeah, I'll give you another chance' and we got back together and we're good, you know. We plan on getting married within the next year and everything like that.

    That's how I almost lost the only person I ever really cared about.

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