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I'd just finished my freshman year in college and I was excited to come home for the summer. So in 2012 I was talking to this boy, you know, he was a guy that I fell deeply in love with and he messed over me really bad. When we first met, it was all good; he treated me right and was always there when I need him. Then all of sudden when I went back to school, everything changed. He would have his moments of accusing me of cheating and messing around because I was in another state. He would always break up with me then get back with me. He liked to mess with my mind because he thought I wasn't going to leave him and he knew he had me hook on him. All of this back and forth in our relationship kept pulling me away from him because he knew he was cheating on me and that's why we kept breaking up. How I found out he was cheating was, if I had to describe it, it wasn't the kind of way I thought I would find out but it was typical at the same time.

    I found out he was cheating on me because every time we were out, a random number would keep texting him. So, one day when I knew he was off, I called him and a girl answer the phone and I was like 'Hey is Jeffery there,' and she replied 'He's in shower.' While on the phone with her, I found out that he was telling her that we were on the break.  After I handed this man my heart and soul, putting everything into this relationship, he played me like a drum.  He didn't feel sorry about it because he went and found a girl with the exact name as me. Do you know how that made me feel? I felt embarrass and hurt. You know, I thought I was in love.

    More on to the story, the girl seem to understand the situation but it backfire on me. This girl was nuts and she tried to make my life a living hell. She kept playing on my phone and telling me what he and she are doing when I'm not with him. It was his fault for making her act this way because he wanted to be with the both of us at the same time. When I would come home he would tell her to back off and while I was gone he would bring her around. One day, she came to the house while we were spending time together. I didn't know it was her until he said something in the car when he dropped me off at home. I remember I slapped him because I felt like, you know, how could he do this to us after all I'd been through with him. I was young and he was older, so I didn't know what to do because I thought that I was in love with a pathetic man who just treated me so bad. I ran inside the house and cried my eyes out for two days straight. He would text me saying that he apologized but I'd had enough of his bullshit. Those days I ignore him I knew he was probably texting another girl but it wasn't my problem anymore. We came to the conclusion that it was best for us to be apart because he kept breaking his promises to me and that's what we did.

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