Chapter 17

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Stella's POV

I wake up to the smell of pancakes wafting through my room. Jeez they smell so nice. I look at the time and it was already 1 pm in the afternoon I was going to have to call the girls over after breakfast or was it lunch. I shrug. I see that Matt wasn't in bed.

I walk downstairs towards the kitchen and see Matt cooking the pancakes. I mean... wait... was my eyes playing tricks on me like seriously this was some serious shit.

"Hey," he says. "Hey," I reply. "I made pancakes," he says. "Thanks," I say while grinning. "So...are you going to the party tonight," asks Matt. "Yep," I say while grinning. "I have to invite the girls over to get ready". "Ok," he replies.

I bite into the pancake. "YUMM...," I moan. "I rather you save those moans for me," says Matt with a smirk while winking at me. I hit him on the arm. Jeez that boy had a massive ego.

The girls came over an hour later. It was around 2:30 by then. "Hey," I say to Carmen and Sophie. "Do you guys want to go the mall and buy dresses. The party starts at 6:00pm so we have time,"

"Cool," they say. They climb into my red Ferrari. "OMG," screamed Sophie. "THIS IS AMAZING," she yelled. We blast out Starboy by the Weekend.

We drive to the nearest mall. We walk around the mall picking out our dresses that we are going to wear to the party.

By time we finish picking our dresses out its 3:30 pm.

I drive back to Matt's place as first as I can to get ready in time for the party.

I quickly shower the other girls are in the guest bathrooms. I put on my black dress and take out my black pumps with it. I straighten my hair out I grab my foundation and put some on my face. I put some black wing eyeliner on and I put some fake eyelashes on than put mascara on top then I put some nude gloss on.

Carmen enters my room she is wearing a blue lace short dress with a low back and some nude sandal heels

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Carmen enters my room she is wearing a blue lace short dress with a low back and some nude sandal heels. She has her hair down naturally. She's got some foundation on, mascara and some nude lipstick.

 She's got some foundation on, mascara and some nude lipstick

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"Sophie," I yell. Yeah, she responds as she enters the room. She is wearing a black sweetheart lace dress that is short with black pumps. She is wearing false eyelashes with mascara on top, foundation and nude matte lipstick.

 She is wearing false eyelashes with mascara on top, foundation and nude matte lipstick

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"Its 5:50," I say. "Good," says Sophie "we can be fashionably late". I grin. Carmen rolls her eyes. We run to the car. When I say run its more like fast walking because were in heels.

I drive as fast as possible to the party. When we arrive the party is already in full swing.

We enter the party. "Hey Girls," says Dylan and Jake when they see us. I grin at them.

I walk over to the table with drinks. I grab a coke.

I go onto the dance floor and dance to Believer by Imagine Dragons.

Where is Matt... I think. I walk over to Jake who's arm is around Sophie's waist. "Jake, Do you know where Matt is," I ask. "I think he went upstairs," responds Jake. "Thanks," I reply.

I go upstairs and check the rooms there was one room left. I opened the door and I saw Matt and Brittney naked in bed. I noise came out of my mouth. Matt looked up. His eyes widen.

"Wait Stella," he yells I can explain. I bolted off. I ran into my car. Tonight was about having fun and letting go.

I park the car quickly at the house and run up to my bedroom and lock the door.


Words: 693

A/N HEY GUYS!!! I'm sorry i haven't updated in a while. This chapter isn't that good. The next chapters won't be that great. I need to get back in the rhythm of writing this book. I have so many great ideas i need to remember. So stay put and be patient! 



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