Chapter 18

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I'm lying in bed I practically didn't sleep. I heard Matt come home and slide something under my door. I groan and get up and pick up the note.

Dear Princess,

I am truly sorry you have to believe me. I would never do anything to hurt you. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! I like you maybe even love. I'm not sure. I know you still haven't figured out you feelings yet. I know I did hurt you from what you saw, Let me explain.

I had a dare to do the 7 minutes in heaven with Brittney. I know I stupidly did the dare. We went too far and I was drunk. I am really sorry I would never have done anything like that if I was sober. I AM TRULY STUPID!

Lots of Love,

Your Prince Charming :)

I wipe the tear of my cheek. This letter was so heartfelt. I put it pack into its envelope and go to the shower. I quickly wash myself and my hair.

When I come out of the shower I chose to wear pink halter neck top with white skirt and white strappy heels.

I go over to my vanity and curl the ends of my hair and loose curls

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I go over to my vanity and curl the ends of my hair and loose curls. I put some concealer on some mascara and lip-gloss. With the finishing touch with some Romantic body mist by Victoria Secret. I grab my gold bangle and put it on.

I pick my handbag up and pack my things for school in it. I look in the mirror and sigh. I unlock the door and go downstairs.

I enter the kitchen and grab and apple to eat for breakfast. I walked down the stairs and saw Matt in the corner crying he looked so vulnerable.

"Hey," I say I bend down. "I'm sorry," he says. His voice is so hoarse. "Hey, it's ok," I say I lift his chin up with my hand and place my lips on his. We kiss passionately.

"I haven't figured my feeling out," I say "but when I do I will tell you". I kiss him on the cheek and leave to my car.

I climb in and drive to school.

Later in the day.

At lunch we were at our table eating. Jake stands up on the table and everyone goes quiet. "Sophie and I are officially going out she's off limits people," says Jake. Brittney gets up and runs away from the cafeteria. Everyone goes back to eating as normal.

"Brittney," I yell. She goes into the bathroom. I walk in and see her bawling her eyes out. "Hey, Are you okay?," I ask. "Why would you care?," she responds. "Because I'm a human being," I reply. She sighs. "I love Jake, when I first met him. We were friends when we were younger so when we went high school I wanted him to notice me as more than a friend. I changed and he just started hating me. I don't like Matt I just wanted to make Jake jealous. He just never noticed me in that way, " said Brittney

"Brittney don't cry don't you know the famous saying there are plenty of fish in the sea,". Brittney smiles. "You know," she says "you aren't as bad as I thought you were". I shake my head and we hug. "Matt likes you and I know deep down you do as well". "You should tell him how you feel," says Brittney. "Ok," I say.

"Friends," I say. "Definitely," she responds. We link arms and walk out the bathroom. "Let's leave," I say. We walk out to the parking lot and climb into my car.

I drive to Matt's house. "His house is pretty nice," says Brittney. "I've seen better," I respond. "Really?" she says while raising an eyebrow.

"Come on," I say and grab her hand. I run up to my room. I pump out Slow Hands by Niall Horan.

"We should take this back to my place"

That's what she said right to my face

Cause I want you bad

Yeah, I want you, baby

I've been thinking 'bout it all day

And I hope you feel the same way, yeah

Cause I want you bad

Yeah, I want you, baby

Slow, slow hands

Like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry

No, no chance

That I'm leaving here without you on me

I, I know

Yeah, I already know that there ain't no stopping

Your plans and those

Slow hands (woo)

Slow hands

I just wanna take my time

We could do this, baby, all night, yeah

'Cause I want you bad

Yeah, I want you, baby

We sing along to slow hands while jumping on my bed. We collapse into giggles. "Come on let's do our nails". I grab some white nail polish and Black nail polish. "Which one," I say. Brittney grabs the black nail polish. We paint our nails and let them dry.

We having so much fun doing musical.lys , trying out different filters on snapchat. Suddenly, the door burst open and we see Matt, Sophie and Carmen.

"Hi," I grin waving at them. "What are you doing here Brittney," says Matt. "I invited her over," says Stella. "Whatever," says Matt and leaves. "Wait," Stella yells. "I want to talk to you," says Stella.


Words: 935

A/N Hey Guys! I updated finally. Thanks for the votes. I'll try edit after finishing this book. Sorry for the mistakes though.


Longer chapters coming

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