Chapter 23

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Matt's POV

A/N Hey Guys so I decided to do Matt's POV. I'm sorry I don't know really how guys act or think. So, sorry if I'm being sexist or anything.

As soon as I saw her step into the taxi I knew that she wasn't ever going to date me again but I still had hope. I slammed the wall next to me and stormed out of the house I didn't even care that my hand was throbbing with pain.

I messed up big time. I shouldn't have ever accepted the dare. I'm a changed person and I'm not just saying it for the sake of saying it. After dating Stella it made me realize how hard true love is hard to come by. It made me realise how much it hurts when I used girls and I didn't even know their names. I just slept with them and I didn't care about how I was making them feel.

I take a deep breath and wipe the tears of my face. I was going to show everyone that I was a changed person. First of all I was going to make a public apology to all the girls I used.

The next day at school at lunch

I pace around the cafeteria nervously. I was waiting for the whole cafeteria to fill out.

"Hold up everyone", I yelled. The whole cafeteria is quiet and looking at me.

"So, some of you may know that Stella and I broke up. I know that there have been a lot of rumours going around and I wanted to clear up everything. Stella and I broke up because she found that i only started dating her for a dare but once I really got to know her I fell in love. When we broke up a realised how hard it is to come across true love and I really like to apologise to all the girls I used I only realised recently how much I hurt you girls by using you and never talking to you again. I'm sorry", I said. I take a deep breath.

I turn around to leave school early. "Your forgiven I heard", this girl said. I hear other girls in the room that I have used echo that I was forgiven. "Thank you, I truly have changed and everyone will see the changes", I said. "WE BETTER", someone yells. Everyone laughs. I salute them and leave.

This was a new beginning and I know it was going to take a while for Stella to forgive me but I loved her and I knew she did to. I'm not being cocky.

I wanted her.

I needed her.

I was going to get her back.


Words: 493

A/N Hey Guys!!! I hope you loved this chapter and Matt's apology. It looks like his a changed person. Thank you everyone for voting, commenting!!!

Remember the cover competition will be closing on the 19/9/17. The details are in the previous chapter.

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