Chapter 12: Flashbacks?

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A/N: Sorry for late updates but thanks for supporting my stories and should I do a pet reveal? Comment down please and let's get started

Your P.O.V:
I was still sleeping and had a flashback..

~~~~ F L A S H B A C K~~~~

It was a asleep and felt a slap across my face. I woke up and saw my mom. She was creepy towards me and the grabbed the knife. "You little slut...WHY DID YOU SLEEP TILL 8?! YOU WAKE UP AT 7 LITTLE BITCH!," mom said. I cried. "I..I'm sorry..." "I DON'T FORGIVE YOU BITCH NOW ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES" I did and she cut my arms once again. I knew this isn't healthy for me to live with her but what else was I supposed to do. After that she left and I cried so much. It hurt so bad and shouldn't I be used to it? No...I wasn't. My mom had a rope laying down on the floor and I grabbed it. I tied it on my neck but didn't want to end my story. She told me too.... I cried and untied it. I then called my aunt and told her what I was going to do. She was crying as well as I. I had to hang up cause my mom was coming. She never fed me but gave me a cookie and a piece of a sandwitch. I was always grateful for it and ate it slowly. That was so recent...and now here I was...alive, smiling, happy, fed, and loved....

~~~End of F L A S H B A C K~~~

No One's P.O.V:
Y/n was crying so bad and shot awake. Springy was scared and woke up hearing her cry. Everyone else was awake and comforting y/n as she explained what happened in he flashback and past. Everyone was in tears and so eas she. They all hugged eachother and then thought of watching a movie and do a backing contest after. Everyone agreeded and Springy never left y/n's side. They didn't know what movie to watch but then y/n said to watch a scary movie mostly because the girls will cuddle up with the guys which is so cute. They all agreeded with her idea and The Human Centipede the 1st one.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

No One's P.O.V:
At the end of the movie, all the couples were cuddling in fear. Even the guys were scared to death. They they got so tired and slept on it. Everyone was asleep when P.P. had a nightmare of a vision of Goldie.

P.P.'s P.O.V:
Goldie was going to come tomorrow!! GOLDIE'S COMING!! I started crying and tried to wake everyone else up. They asked what happened and said,"Goldie is coming tomorrow...and he's gonna try and kill Springy to have y/n as her own...but w..we need to make up a plan to stop him..." Everyone else was in fear but Springy then Springy said," I can use myself as bait and try to fight him while you guys fight him but hide in the shadows. If not, anyone else!" We all looked at eachother and nodded," Yep great plan Springy" I smiled and gave him a pat on the back. "Since it's 4am let's sleep till 7 then we will practice our plan because we don't know when Goldie is coming. Got it?" Everyone nodded and then we went to sleep. I hope that our plan will work...
A/N: May do a pet reveal so comment if ya want me to! Also sorry it's short but I hope ya enjoyed this chapter and I'll see all ya butterflies in the next chapter!!!

~Shadow Springy

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