Chapter 8: Confessions

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A/N: JSE x Reader coming soon laddies and lassies *btw that's Irish*
P.P. P.O.V:
"You're beautiful and perfect for me..and I love you," I said as I put my hand on P.M.'s face causing her to blush. She smiled and I smiled too. I kissed her on the lips right in my room. The kiss was soft and long which caused me to blush. After a while, the kiss ended and we looked at eachother blushing. "I'll..go to be P.P....," said P.M. in her soft voice. I waved bye as she walked out of my room. I smiled and soon fell asleep hugging my pillow.

~~~~Time Skip To Next Day~~~~

Springy P.O.V:
I woke up with y/n cuddling with me which made me blush. She was still sleeping so I got out of my bed as slowly as I could but failed. She woke up and rolled over to me and said," Why did you leaveee." She faked a frown and I giggled tackling her on the bed making her laugh. I ended up cuddling up with her in the end and then we heard a knock on the door. "It's opened...," I said. Everyone rushed into the room and I mean everyone. They then looked at me and y/n. We both blushed and stopped cuddling. "OMG!! We saw that!!" said P.M. and P.C. Me and y/n both blushed and covered our faces. "So, when are you two getting married,ehh?!" said P.P. "P.P!!!" I said blushing uncovering my face. They all started laughing and y/n was still blushing covering her face with the pillow. I grabbed the pillow and uncovered her face. I smiled and hugged her. Everyone awed and I blushed. Y/n giggled and smiled. I then smiled and looked at everyone. "Hey P.M. and P.C. take y/n to the kitchen please and then you boys stay here," I said. Everyone nodded their heads and the girls left. I closed the door. "So...I was thinking of asking y/n to be my girlfriend tonight but...I think she'll reject me....," I said. P.F. and P.P. looked at eachother and laughed. "What..?" I said. "Dude...y/n is in love with you and I know cuz the girls told me so..and go for it," P.F. said. I blushed. "Okey...," I said. They both hugged me. We all let go and walked out of my room. I smiled.

Your P.O.V:
Me and the girls were making a cake cuz why not. P.C. and P.M. started whispering to eachother and gasped as they looked over at me and continued. I looked at them confused and just sat on the table. They continued that for about five minutes until they stopped. I looked at them and then P.M. said," SO...y/n..what do you think of Springy,eh?" I blushed and said," he..he's cute...and stuff....heh.." They both fangirled almost making me lose my hearing. I covered my ears as they both continued squeeling. Then the stopped. I was gonna say something then the oven went off. P.C. went to the oven and took the freshly baked cake on the counter and let it cool. They smiled and then the boys walked in. I saw Springy and I blushed. P.M. went to P.P. and walked off. P.C. also went to P.F. and walked off. They all started talking in the other room. All who were left were me and Springy. We both blushed. I smiled and looked into his eyes. He did the same. 'Man...he's hot..,' I thought. Springy blushed and said," You know I can read minds...right?" I blushed and shook my head no. He giggled a bit and hugged me. I smiled a bit and then the girls and boys walked back in. They all said," we heard every word!!" The girls started fangirling and the boys start laughing. Me and Springy were confused and then blushed. The boys then walked off and me and the girls looked at the cake. I smiled and took out the frosting and strawberries. P.C. grabbed a spatula and took the frosting from the counter. P.M. grabbed the strawberries. I watched as the decorated the cake. A few minutes later, the cake was ready. They smiled and then looked at me. I looked at them confused then a smirk went on thier faces. "What..?," I said. They looked at me and said," Nothing?!" I still was questionable about it so I asked," What are you two hiding?". They handed me the cake and P.M. said," Give it to Springy." I blushed and walked into Springy's room. Springy was on his bed laying there with his head on a pillow. He looked at me and said," Oh hey y/n did see ya there..heh." He blushed and bit and I said," here have this cake..also the girls said so....heh.." I blushed a bit and Springy grabbed the cake. He took a bite out of it and smiled. He placed it down on his pillow and ran up to me then started tackling me. I was laughing and blushing as he did. About five minutes later, Springy looked at the clock. "Hey y/n," he said. "Ya?," I said. He looked at me and whispered in my ear," Meet me on the roof in 5 minutes." I nodded and blushed as I walked into the kitchen. The girls smiled and said," So, what are you up to with the smile." I blushed and said," Oh...well um...Springy told me to meet him on the roof in five minutes and ya..." They both fangirled so much and I just walked out. About 3 minutes passed and I went into Springy's room and found a nice ring on the floor. I walked out of his room and saw I had 1 minute to spare. I figured why not go to the roof so I walked to the roof. It was time to be there and I was on the roof and so was Springy. I smiled and sat down as Springy did the same. Springy grabbed my hand and started," y/n...I really truly love you...and always from the start. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You make me smile everyday and light my world up. And...would you y/n please make me happy and be my-".

A/N: HAHA CLIFFHANGER!! Lol srry and hope ya liked it peeps. Lots of words in this as you can see and it was 1120 words yo!! Lol I need help but if I'll see ya butterflies IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

~Shadow Springy

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