Chapter 1

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I will use pov and pictures for outfits if needed
Tell me what you think in the comment thank you and enjoy .

The letter had arrived week before . Y/n had already gotten her things . Now she stood with her parents on the platform waiting for the train and say goodbye . The family had realized that people around gave looks to the family mostly to the man.

He was tall and slim his face was stern and hallow his eyes were a piercing silver that glistened

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He was tall and slim his face was stern and hallow his eyes were a piercing silver that glistened . He had black hair styled in a slick combover . A stub led beard cover his chin area and under his nose above his lips. His lips were a pale pink and a strait line . He was well dressed and looked like a very important person . His hands were placed in his pockets as he looked at the girl in front of him.A women stood next to him who could only be his wife .

The women had black hair and a smooth face

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The women had black hair and a smooth face. Her eyes were a piercing green . She had a thin nose but had nicely shaped lips that had a purple stain applied to them . She too was well dressed .her hair was styled up into a twisted bun . Her slender hands rested on a girls shoulders . The girl was her daughter .

The young girl was well dressed just like her parents

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The young girl was well dressed just like her parents. She had h/l H/c hair . It was down and framed her face . She had brilliant e/c eyes that took away your breath. Though a beauty her delicate features were covered with a calm yet stern look. She had nice lips that she had gotten from her mother along with smooth s/c skin. The beauty was natural but also from the Quarter. Vela that ran through her mothers and her vanes . Even if you ripped away the vela she was still a stunning girl .

Not to far away stood a man also in a suit looking at his son who resembled the man remarkably . A beautiful lady stood next him . She was Astoria Malfoy wife of Draco Malfoy and their son was Scorpius . Draco had already know that his son would be a kind boy who was intelligent and brave. Something Draco which he was . He was happy that his son would not turn out like him .
The young boy who was Scorpius stood and kissed his mother's cheek before looking up at a young girl . His jaw dropped as he looked at her , something the young mannered boy never did . He blushed realizing his actions .
"Who is that Mother?" He asked . His eyebrows tilting up .
The lady looked up at the family her dear son was pointing at. " that family Scorpius is the Athars . A Very...very powerful family ."
The girl who was know as Y/n turned at the boy and gazed at him. He looked away not wanting to make things more awkward . "Son be good." Draco said and placed a firm hand on Scorpius ' shoulder . The train whistle blew and the two family said a final farewell .
Y/n walked onto the train looking for a empty compartment . She finally found one and settled in . A few moments later s boy walked in and sat down . The boy was the same one that she saw on the play form . He sat not noticing her presence . She she gave a soft cough . He looked up eyes widen and he stood up. "I-Sorry didn't know it was full. " he turned to leave but y/n interrupted. "You must blind for that this compartment has only one person and one person can not take up a six person compartment ." He stared blankly at her . "Do you mind if I stay here? " he squeaked out . She shook her head . He sat down . "Scorpius Malfoy though you know that . Wait do you know that? I didn't meant to assume . But you might . Or maybe not-" he rambled on . "Athar, y/n Athar." She gave a quick glance at him before turning back to the window . He pulled out a small white bag . "Sweets?" He held out the bag . She looked at it then at Scorpius. She reached in the bag and took a piece . "Thanks ." He smiled . Moments later a boy and a girl with bright red hair came in . They talked with Scorpius briefly before the girl left and the boy stayed . They talked a bit and y/n only looked at them after Scorpius had made a comment. "That fantastic I have two friends now!" He looked at y/n "I mean if you want to be ." She gave a quick nod and turned back to the windows . The ride had gone by slowly but they finally arrived .
They got off and followed a man who said his name was Hagrid . The children had already changed into there robes on the train. Y/n stood next to the two boys she had met on the train . She already knew that others were whispering about who she was. Though the Athars were a powerful family it didn't mean everyone knew who she was but they did talk about her appearance many wounds red if she was a bit vela some said yes and that her mother was barley even quarter vela but still it counted . They reached the boats and got In Albus offered y/n his hand but she didn't even glance at it she got in and sat down across from the two boys. He he castle was huge and grand . It was magical everything about seemed like that . They got out and waited for a professor . A tall man with brown hair dressed in brown robes came up to them. "Hello first years I am Professor Longbottom the herbology professor. Now this way ." He turned on his heals with his robes flowing behind him. The doors opened and revealed the older students . They walked through the middle isle with two long tables on either side of them . They gathered around and Longbottom called out the names .
"Athar , y/n " she looked strand ahead and sat down not even flinching when the hat was placed on her head .
"Ah I remember your parents you father a Slytherin and mother as well but you ... you have a hufflepuff heart. But ambition that over powers it. Better be...SLYTHERIN!" A loud cheer came from a far side table . Standing up y/n walked over to the table . Sat down in the middle were other seats around her where empty. More names were called after her then the hall became quiet.
"Malfoy , Scorpius "
The boy walked up and looked a bit scared .
"SLYTHERIN!" The table again had a cheer just not as loud . Scorpius came and sat next to y/n he looked relieved. More names and then again silence for a mother potter.
"Potter, Albus."
He went up and a second later the hat called out. "SLYTHERIN!" A silence and a small. Cheer he went over and sat across from y/n not looking at anyone. Chatter surrounded them. The names finished and the headmistress gave a speech and then the feast began . Y/n took a few pastes and ham . A few grapes and are it her goblet was full of pumpkin juice .
The prefects lead the fist years to the dorms and the night ended .

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