The reason

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When i woke up I  was in a really strange place,i couldnd remember what was going on .The walls were painted pink(Yeah).I tried freeing my self and even kicking the chair I was tied to when iI heard a some-what fimiliar voice.

 "that wont help you"i looked up and saw a girl about my age.She had black hair and cute black eyes.She looked the picture of innocence,maybe I could get her to help me.Then I remembered why she was some-what fimiliar.She was the chick who had knocked me out yesterday.Oh the nerve,I'd hate to admit it but my kidnapper was beautiful.

 "who are you"I asked a bit annoyed with myself for thinking that.

"Jessica Eve"

"My buds call me Justin"I said hoping we could become friends.Yeah,right.

"i dont see how you can call me a friend,after all i was involved in kidnapping you"

"what..what do you want,exactly" I asked unsure of what to expect.

"listen"she said leaning closer towards me"whatever they ask you to,just accept no matter how ridiculous it may sound,they may seem stupid but they are deadly"

I was stunned.Was she helping me?no she must have sent by them to warn me but....

"Hes awake now huh"I heard a rough voice she moved away from me with a start."what exatly were you telling him,young lady?"

"nothing charlie,just checking if he was still senile after the blow"she lied smothly.She lied!why would she do that?maybe she was secretly helping me after all.What she said next though  changed everything.

"Hes quite fine,charlie.You can tell him now,if he dosent agree stun him"Right.Great.Fantastic.Awesome.Justin Bieber the doll who you can kidnap,stun,whatever.

"justin bieber at last"he sounded like an exited fan but with a dangerous voice.he came towards me and reached out to touch my face.I flinched.

"well,you must have a lot of questions huh?.well to answer them all ill brief you in short"he turned towards jessica and motiones for her to bring someone in.

Some cooky looking blonde entered with a smile so dazzling it hurt my eyes and was shining head to toe,literally!.she had shiny highlights,shiny makeup,dont mention the dress,she probably wore more sequinces in one dress than all the sequinces i would wear in my entire life.Charlie obviousely adored her,and there was no guessing she was his daughter.In fact,everyone in the room adored her(or pretended to) exept Jess.Okay,Im calling her Jess now?Aghh.

"JUSTIN BIEBER!!!"she let out a ear splitting shreak and came to hug me.i tried to back away,tied to a chair which was so easy...Not.i wasnt sure but i thought i saw several sympthetic glances in my way.

"now,now lets not overexite him shall we"Huh."Justin bieber this is my as you can see beautiful daughter Adrianna,who is both a talented singer and your biggest fan" I dint know i was that bad.

"Wassup"i ask trying not to sound like i felt.

"he spoke"she shrieked.

" not dumb you know"she looked confused.jessica grinned.

Charlie cut in"Justin as you can see my daughter adrianna is very talented and ..........................."







That was ridiculous.Crazy.Weird.You wont believe in a million years what he wanted me to do.Seriousely if it wasnt a matter of life-and-death i would'ave burst out laughing.

He wanted me to launch his absolutely stupid daughters career in my next concert and that wasn't even the absurd part.




He wanted me to date her.i was gonna say "not happening"when jessica gave me a warning look.i dont know why but i trusted that girl.She wouldent try to hurt me,would she?.I hate this cross-thinking.

so heres what i actually said"thats all very nice,Ms.errr..adrianna,but you see i cant really launch someones career ,espically some i dont know.and um...Im not really into love and stuff so yeah,Im sorry."thats when charlie came over and said in a threatening voice"you dont listen and......"

"no,no daddy,Justin Bieber is in need of an insight(whatever that means) like all famous people do,i think i should truly amaze him with my star power and majestic voice(Jessica snorted the blonde gave her a dirty look),is it not justin"

"er..No,its fine"Adrianna put on a pounty face,like a little kid who dosent get candy at the mall.

"of course,he means yes darling.hes still under the effect of the blow"i was going to interrupt but the look charlie gave me made me stop.Everyone got busy setting up a small stage-like setting while adrianna went off to do her 'vocal exercises"

"Good luck,Bieber"Jessica whispered as she passed by me"Adrianna has got the talent for being-truly sensational"she winked and sat behind me.Adriannas come in now and has taken center stage....................................................................


Yoo People,

hope you enjoyed it.

idk,why but i really like this book even though my other one gets more fans :/

if you dont like it at first,i promise you itll get more interesting after a few more chapters

 i wrote this really late in the night so temme if there are any errors<3

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