Hollywood Tower Hotel:Part 2

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 The doorman interupted us"Welcome to hollywood Tower Hotel"and then looking at me "Hey,arent you that little kid who soared all records?"Litlle kid?Nice.

"I dont know what you'r talking about.Mistaken-identity"Jessica said smiling at the doorman and then gestured for me to walk in.

I gasped as I took in the scene inside.

It was so......WOAH

The whole inside looked like a horror-movie set.I mean the whole amost-ancient creepy looking furniture,Super thick and dusty curtains and not to mention the whole place was colour cooded.Purple and green-Bleh.The whole colour combination made me dizzy.

Ms.Wacko(how else do I describe her?)called me "You coming or what?" 

For a moment I thought of delibratly dragging myself but the doorman was giving me weird stares so I rushed to her.The last thing I needed was for somone to recognise me.The hotel despite its weird location and not to mention even-weirder interior was crowded.I thought I recognised some criminal but I couldent be to sure as Jessica pulled me towards the reception(Yeah).



Whats with this guy?He could have almost got us killed,if that dude had caught him staring then..He must serously be thinking I'm wacko but the only reason I chooose this hotel was because they dint ask for ANY verification.Charlie always came here and it was dirt cheap.I mean $7 dollars a day!!.

I wasnt going to explain all this to him.Why did I need to?I approached the reception

"Two single rooms please"I said trying to sound as tough as possible.All the smile din't work here,no.tHe guy looked disinterested as he passed on two keys and scribbled down a bill.I checked the room number.It was on the top floor.


__Hollywood tower hotel.Bill

Room Type ..Number......Cost

single              2                   $14


The guy looked at justin with newfound intrest and went "I think I know you...."

I quickly handed him the money and pulled Justin off.This Boy.

"Do you have to be recognised everywhere?"I ask irritated.

He looked offended."hey I work pretty hard you know,it not my fault"

"Yeah right,you call singing hard.."

"I work till 2 in the morning sometimes you know...."He said all defensively

 "Whatever"I said leading on the way towards the elevators.He looked pretty miffed with me.Like I cared.Dont deny.SHUT UP I told the stupid truth-part of my brain.


Ok,Ms.Only-what-I-do-is-hard is getting to me and Im seriously considering leaving but then again,I would be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a dead phone!

Anyway,might as well put up with her and so I walked towards the stairs(apparantly the elevator hasa no been used fot 40 years,hah like im going to believe that).

I tried breaking the silence

"Which floor?fourth?"

She looked at me and suddenly smirked"actually 45"

"WHAAATTT?"Was she serious??"Good one!"

"It wasnt a joke"she said rolling her eyes at me.

"Okay.Great.fourty-five floors with fourty steps to each wonderful.How thoughtful!"

"Yeah,the third was open to just thought I will give the superstar a taste of normal life"

I almost tripped.She did this just to annoy me?Wow.Fine this was a game two can play at.

"How thoughtful"I said smiling at the suddenly crest-fallen Jessica.



Heyy Guys,ILY for all the support THANKYOU THANKYOU AND THANKYOU:D

I CANNOT believe all the support Ive got!!

Did ya like #Believe???

and did u hear #CARLY.R.J Album is finished!!Yay!!

OKay,done with the note Lol!

B.t.w im sorry for the lack of updates u see the thing is Ive been obsesed with making covers and I opened a thread and stuff(:

Enjoy The Beautiful Weather With Amazing Music! <3

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