Prologue: The Committee I

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"I will not have you questioning my methods, Ren." The voice alone made you roll your eyes before the ginger even stepped through the door. You were standing in the corner, watching the committee send by the Royal family of the soon-to-be new ally of the First Order, as General Hux entered the conference room followed by Kylo Ren. After a quick nod of acknowledgment by Ren, the knight and the ginger sat down opposite the rather nervous committee. A small smirk started to form under your mask, as their anxiety and nerves filled the room, while the general, although been annoyed with the knight mere seconds ago, sat opposite them with his ever stoic calm expression. Even though they had eyed you before, now they seemed to find nothing else to look at in addition to being reluctant in starting the negotiations. "She will not leave the room." The mechanical voice emitted by the knight's helmet filled the room, causing the committee's eyes to snap towards the black clad man, before they slid over to the General, who conveyed his approval of Ren's word with nothing more than a look. But still the committee seemed rather hesitant. "Gentleman, I think it would be wise to start the negotiations now, otherwise there might not be time for negotiations any more." Hux' calm voice seemed to snap them out of their hesitance and the negotiations began.

While the five men on the table started discussing the several treaties to gain the First Order's protection, you took to observe the First Order's current guests. They had arrived on the Finalizer, a few hours ago. You had been waiting for them in the hangers, after being instructed by Ren to keep an eye on them during their stay. They had arrived and instantly seemed disappointed to only see you standing in the hanger waiting to welcome them. A female clad in black clothing, a big scarf wrapped around your throat and thrown over your shoulder, leaving it to trail down your back almost reaching the floor. A throwing knife belt wrapped around your right leg and two vibroblades crossed on your lower back. The lower half of your face was covered by a mask, leaving your hair, which was decorated with several braids, rings and beads, free to fall over your shoulders. Obviously they had expected a greater welcome or at least the ginger and the knight, but both were absent. Leaving the three men to scowl in annoyance, while you welcomed them and lead them to the conference room. They kept muttering about their welcome, how the First Order was mocking them and their royal family, all the while you were glad that your back was turned to them so they didn't see you rolling your eyes over and over at their petty complaints. Additionally you were grateful for the mask, that covered the bottom half of your face, saving you from having to force a smile every time you had to face them.

'Stop zoning out.' The voice of the knight filled your head. You looked over to him to see his head slightly turned towards you, but not turned enough to lose sight of the visitors. 'I thought I wasn't meant to listen to the negotiations.' You tilted your head slightly to the side almost challenging the knight. Even though you didn't see his eyes, you knew he was glaring at you or at least wasn't impressed. 'You're right you are not.' His voice filled with arrogance echoed in your head. 'However you are actually supposed to observe these idiots.' You gave him an almost invisible nod, before doing as you were told, diverting your eyes back the the three men.

The one in the middle seemed to be the most influential one. Dressed in blood red robes, the fingers clad with heavy gold rings, he was showing off his influence on the Royal family. The others two, although both were heavily clad in jewellery, didn't exclude the same cocky air as the one in the middle. The two on the sides seemed to be a lot more nervous than their leader. They were shaking, playing with their fingers and the up and down movement of their legs was nearly driving you insane. Only their leader was still, a cocky look on his face, while he kept talking to Hux.

The negotiations lasted for another half an hour, before the men started to rise. "Take them back to their ship. We will resume the negotiations tomorrow." Hux' accent filled the air. You gave him and the knight a nod, before leading the way back to the committee's ship. 'Find us on the bridge after.' You turned slightly to give Ren a quick nod, before you turned forwards once move and with a quick movement of your hand indicate the visitors to follow you.

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