I am Thankful

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I am thankful.

For every good morning text that i get every morning.

I am thankful.

For every sip of coffee that i get every noon.

I am thankful.

For such a comfy bed and cold-warm bedroom everynight.

I am thankful.

For my mom and dad's love.

My sister's.

My love.

My friends.

And Him.

I am thankful,

For every little-big things, that ive got and will get someday.

I am thankful. For every tears, and laughs.

I am so damn thankful.

My life is the whole gift, that God has given to me.

And the best is waiting, right above the skies.


(a little thankful letter for whoever that read this)



N.B : life is a handmade thing. Please create ur own life, that will make u really grateful, thankful. Make it more than just life. But fullfilled life. :)

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