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I awoke to the pounding of the waves on the ships stern and a distant debate out on deck. Grumbling I got up from the surprisingly comfy bed in the Captains quarters, the ships wood groaning and splintering through the use of the old floorboards. I stumbled over to the door, opening it with a creak.

I was met with the, now not so distant, debate I heard in the silence of the quarters. As I strode forward I was met with the silhouettes of three figures standing above me. I turned about to question the three men but just as I made it to the top of the stairs I was left shocked as a huge splash erupted behind me.

"ELIZABETH!" A scream descended from above us, as the Commodore leans over the wall with shock evident on his features.

"Will you be saving her then?" I heard one of them question to the others.

I gasped as I realised. He's a pirate.Filthy, thieving scum!

"I can't swim" the man replied.

'and he's part of the navy?' I thought to myself , sighing disappointedly.

I then jumped on the side of the ship. Drawing attention to myself as I appeared from the shadows and grabbed a sword, cutting the rope and swinging over the three shocked men. Then neatly diving in the water below the ship with one quick motion.

As I dove down deeper the water was silent and peaceful until a huge ripple erupted through the calm sea. A gold medallion was slung around Elizabeth's neck. That's strange, I could have sworn it were a pirate medallion.

However, I was torn from my thoughts as a pirate swam up behind me and towards the unconscious Elizabeth. He was from the ship, but why would a pirate help Elizabeth? Ever since we were young kids, all the children of Port Royal were told endless stories of horrid and filthy thieves who murdered and tortured the innocent. Pirates.

Although, I still found myself swimming round to Elizabeth's other side and nodding at the man in front of me. Together we lifted Elizabeth to the surface and were nearly there until she started to float back down again.

The pirate then ripping her heavy dress from her motionless form as I held her still. She then became surprisingly lighter as we rose back up to the surface of the once again calm sea. A school of fish swam by peacefully and undisturbed by the pirate and two girls swimming through the midst of them.

Re-surfacing again the pirate lifted Elizabeth onto the boarding as I climbed up beside her. The wind sending a cold shiver down my spine and my wet hair now blowing in the strong gusts of wind.

"Not breathing!" One of the navy men declared, panic evident in his voice.

I shoved him aside pulling a small knife out of my boot. Achieving a gasp from each of the navy men and a smirk from the mysterious pirate. Why's he even here anyway, all alone in Port Royal? And saving the Governor's daughter?

I shook my head, sighing and reach over to Elizabeth, cutting the strings on her extremely tight corset. Elizabeth gasped rolling over and coughing up water onto the boarding beneath us.

"I never would have thought of that." One of the navy men stated plainly. Men are seriously questionable these days. Sometimes I wonder if there's even a brain between the ears attached to their thick skulls.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore" the pirate stated calmly.

"OR, you just don't have any common sense" I muttered quietly to myself as I asked if Elizabeth were okay. Earning a glare from the navy men and a slight chuckle from the soaked pirate.

"Where did you get that?" the pirate questioned Elizabeth harshly. I looked to see him holding the medallion I saw when rescuing her.

'So it is a pirate medallion!' I thought to myself watching as the questioning starts to unfold.

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