~ II ~

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Heavy footsteps sounded nearby as a group of navy men approached.

"On your feet!" The Commodore commands pointing his newly sharpened sword out towards the pirate.

We all stand simultaneously looking at the many weapons being pointed in our direction. The Governor appearing from behind the glaring men and pulling Elizabeth to her feet.

"I'm fine" Elizabeth reassures him looking toward the pirate in confusion.

"Shoot him" orders the Governor.

"Father!" Elizabeth states forcefully. Then turning to her right to look behind her concerned father.

"Commodore" she says pausing slightly. "Do you really intend to kill one of my rescuers?" she questioned him seriously.

The Commodore gave a slight nod to his men and they slowly lowered their array of weapons. The pirate nodding to the navy men and then looking back towards the Commodore and his men.

"I believe a thank you is in order?" the Commodore states holding his hand out towards the now slightly confused pirate.

Hesitantly the pirate reached forward to shake the Commodores outstretched hand. Then the Commodore gripped his hand and yanked him forward, lifting up his sleeve, revealing the engraved 'P' burnt into his skin, marking him a pirate.

"Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, have we?"   asked the Commodore. Obviously knowing the answer to his question.

"Hang him" the Governor orders.

"Keep the guns on him men" the Commodore orders his men with confidence evident in his voice.

"Fetch some irons" he then asks one of his men. Then turning back to the now confirmed pirate and yanking his sleeve up more to reveal a tattoo of a bird flying over the sea with the sun clear in the background.

"Well, well" mutters the Commodore inspecting the tattoo. "Jack Sparrow" he says now slightly quieter and dropping the pirates arm.

'Jack Sparrow' I thought to myself 'I recognise that name' I pondered quietly inside my head.

"Captain Jack Sparrow" the pirate corrected him.

No wonder I recognise the name! The numerous stories I was told as a child quite often mentioned the great Captain Jack Sparrow. Although now I've met the guy, I'm beginning to doubt the truth in those stories.

"I don't see your ship, Captain?" The Commodore states smugly.

"I'm in the market as it were" the pirate declares in response to the Commodore's smug but smart comment.

"He said he'd come to commandeer one" the other navy man from the ship mentioned.

"So you CAN speak!" I commented sarcastically, emphasising the 'can' with a cheeky smile.

"Told you he was telling the truth!" The larger, louder one of the pair said after giving me a slight glare. "These are his sir" the man says bending down to pick up the pirates belongings and arms.

"No additional shot nor powder, a compass that doesn't point north" the Commodore said with a chuckle. "And I half expected it to be made of wood!" The Commodore says slyly drawing Jack's sword. Jack smiling sarcastically in return, as the Commodore returns Jack's sword to it's sheath. 

"You are without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever herd of" the Commodore says harshly. Therefore adding to my questioning of the truth in the stories of this supposed 'Captain'.

"But you have heard of me!" Jack says holding his fingers up to point at the commodore with a smirk.

I look to Elizabeth with my eyebrow raised. She just shrugs in return.

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