~ IV ~

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I awoke the next morning to find devastation. Buildings smashed, peoples loved ones laying motionless on the ground, now littered with various items dropped in the panic of the attack the night before.

Sitting up abruptly I go to find Will Turner, one of the towns blacksmiths. He'll know where she is, he always does. At first I thought it creepy but its kind of sweet how he loves her so much and vows to protect a girl he will most likely never be with. The competition being the Commodore, of course, who has her fathers permission to marry and a whole navy behind him.

As I skipped gracefully over the rubble toward the blacksmiths. Will was nowhere to be found so I headed towards the Swann household to find it empty.

'Oh the Governor must be seeing to some official business today' I thought to myself.

"Where could she be?" I said to no one in particular, as the streets of Port Royal were deserted from what I could tell.

That's when I heard him. "WILL!" I shouted turning to where the voices were coming from.

He turned sharply towards me, then looking down disheartened. I jog up to him, jumping over the debris with ease and landing swiftly and gently on my feet in front of Will and...


"Will, why's he here? Isn't he supposed to be locked up? Or is this all his doing?" I asked gesturing to the devastation around me.

"It's Elizabeth" Will says sighing. "She's... she's" he stutters sadly. "She's been kidnapped by those responsible for this" he says gesturing around him.

"Pirates?" I question.

"Yes pirates" he confirms with a sigh.

"Yer see deary, the girl is in possession of a valuable coin linked ter a curse, that long ago transform'd a crew into ruthless, undead pirates who'll do anythin' ter get all the coins back and be alive again." Jack explained dramatically.

"Okay, so we'll go get her back" I responded. "Right?" I looked to them for a sign of agreement.

"Right" they replied after a pause.

"But, yer not comin'" stated Jack quickly.

"Why ever not?" I asked puzzled.

"Err..." Jack stuttered thinking carefully about his answer.

"You may come with us" Will says with a smile looking towards Jack for him to respond.

"Err, fine but stay out'er the way" Jack said still unsure.

"She's great with a sword and can fight well. She can handle it." Will reassured the unsure Jack.

"Well, if yer say so Turner" Jack shrugged giving in to the debate.

"Thanks!" I replied happily, smiling at Will and then at Jack, who turned away headed to what I'm guessing is the harbour.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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