~ III ~

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Later that day, Jack Sparrow was jailed by the Commodore and his men and would be hanged in the morning for his many crimes.

I lay remembering todays events in the quiet of my assigned room belonging to the spacious house owned by the Governor and his daughter Elizabeth. Who after today's events thanked me for rescuing her and insisted on my stay in one of the houses many spare rooms. I admit this room is beautiful and the bed divine compared to the creaky bed belonging to the Captain's quarters on The Interceptor, that I awoke in earlier today.

I began drifting to sleep before I hear screams of terror and... Cannon fire?

"PIRATES!" I heard, as many screamed and ran to find safety.

Immediately, I ran through the cannon fire towards the area the crowds of terrified people were fleeing from. 'Yep pirates' I thought to myself as I glimpsed the pirate ship in front of me and dodged the cannon fire coming toward me. Turning swiftly, I ran to help the injured and carry them to safety. Once I got far enough away I glanced at the gathering of people, scanning their faces for those of the Governor and Elizabeth.

Standing on my tip-toes I go to scan the crowd once more but am surrounded by more panicked civilians as they arrive and search for their loved ones. Mothers and fathers reunited with their children and men in search of their wives. The smiles on their relieved faces warming my heart and bringing a smile to my face.

With the gathering of people now impossible to break through, I sat down vowing I will find them at first light and I fell into a surprisingly peaceful sleep.

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