Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

I stumbled forward, gripping a fence post to keep myself steady. I was only halfway to my house, and I already wanted to give up. Rocks and puddles have forced me down onto the icy ground. I never remember being this clumsy.

Out of habit, I ran my hand through my soaked hair. I had abandoned my hood a long time ago. It wasn't much of a help. The ends of my hair were plastered just above my eyes; I could barely see, but much less concentrate.

I shouldn't be pissed at Rylie. If anything, she should be upset with me for racing off. I always go off. When times are too rough, I take flight. No wonder she left me so long ago.

My grip tightened on the fence post; I cursed as splinters pierced into my palm. I kept my hold on the drenched wood as I used my other hand to take my phone out of my pocket. I rested my back against the flat fence and slid down onto the soaked ground. I was already wet, so it didn't matter much anymore. No messages were on the screen. Despite my anger for Rylie, I had wished she would send me a text, or at least something to tell me she is okay.

However, the screen was blank. The lockscreen turned black after a minute, signaling my phone had locked. I press down onto the home button again, staring at the lockscreen. Rylie's bright smile was staring back at me. It was when we were cleaning out her suitcase a few days after she moved in. Her eyes seemed to sparkle at me. Joy was clear on her face as she tried to dodge a shirt I had thrown at her. Poising with her hands out in front of her, she had been prepared for my attack. I had snapped the picture at the perfect time. Instantly, she had demanded I delete it, but I copied it before I deleted the original. Since then, it has been an eternity since I looked at her beautiful, genuine grin. Sure, she had grinned like this plenty of times afterward, and she had tonight too. But this smile was real. It reached her eyes.

I recall the reason I had kept her picture as my lockscreen. Everyday, I missed her desperately. Whenever I wasn't drinking, I would look forward to staring at her picture for hours at a time. Before tonight, I had never expected to see her again. I was certain I would never see her bright face ever again. Yet, I did. She wasn't as happy as she was in the picture before me, but she was lively. I noticed the change in her from the moment she stepped out of her house to the moment she was getting ready to leave the restaurant.

Now, I crouch lower in my huddle as I realize my mistake.

I had once again assumed without letting her explain. Hunter had seemed cozy in her arms; I had instantly become jealous. Last time they were together, Rylie ended up leaving in tears. However, he swoops in while she is vulnerable. He dives in when she is the weakest, so that he could try to steal her back. I wasn't stupid; I knew what was happening, but Rylie was too innocent to understand.

I decided I would call her to apologize for my behavior. I wasn't going to give in too soon, however. Pulling myself off the ground, I called my mum. As much as I despised asking for rides, I had no choice. Once she agreed she would pick me up in a minute, I pulled my hood back over my already plastered curls so I could wait.


Hastily, I wake to nausea. I disappear into the bathroom and vomit. I reach for the stupid flusher thing without (the thing no one knows the name of) much success. I lean back to try to decrease the nausea.

"Harry, this is why you don't sit outside in the rain. If it is freezing cold, stay in the damn car," Gemma whispers, handing me a warm cup. Sometimes, I wish she would go back to Will. She has stayed here ever since the Rylie incident a month ago. Will doesn't seem very upset that his pregnant fiancée was on the other side the world.

"Well I am sorry to displease you, my dear sister," I mutter sarcastically. I take a sip of the tea and sigh as the nausea subsides slightly.

"Harry shouldn't I be the one getting sick all the time?" Gemma replies, giving me a smirk. My eyes flicker to her baby bump.

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