Freddie vs. The Future

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(Sal here.  Guess I lied when I said the "Magic Mirror" chapter would be the last Freddie POV.  Do forgive me.  But anyway, here we are, the real and true final Freddie expose... in this book, that is.  Hope you like!)

"Will you please sing to me?" Julia mumbles. 

She always asks so politely; I have to smile.  "What would you like me to sing?"

"Whatever you want.  You make it all sound heavenly."  She's lying so close to me that her lips gently graze my skin as she speaks.

The first thing to come to mind is a track of Brian's, called "Teo Torriatte."  It's one of the best things he's written so far in my opinion; of course, the fact that its lyrics are half in Japanese makes it all the more charming.  I offer it up, and she sleepily agrees.  Though I'm utterly spent myself, I have enough energy for just one song.  Besides, she's never asked me to sing to her before- all this time, two whole weeks, not once; I can't turn her down now.  I didn't write the lyrics, I didn't write the tune. The song, like I said before, is Brian's. But tonight, its meaning belongs to us.

The girl says nothing else after that, merely lays her head on my shoulder and listens to the song.  To be sure, I've sounded better singing it than I do now; my voice keeps cracking, and the words are harder to sing somehow.  Funny, that "Teo" is affecting me the way it is; I've never had these odd little pangs in my heart.  It's a very romantic song, obviously, and I can indeed be very touched by music- but this hurts.  Not in a bad way, though- it's a sweet pain, a gentle, dull ache in my chest. 

At last the song ends, by which point I can scarcely whisper. My throat is tight, my heart is aching, and my eyes are moist. I know I'm on the brink of tears, but even now I'm trying to choke them back. I don't know what's the matter with me.  I'm not alone, I don't feel helpless, my world isn't falling apart.  Those are the major reasons I cry.  Oh, well, I'm sure it'll come to me.  I do, however, get myself back under control, and for many minutes I just lay there and listen to Julia breathe. 

She's very quiet now, perhaps dreaming; I suppose she fell asleep while I was singing.  I chuckle to myself.  Oh, right.  So this little round-eyed minx takes wave upon wave for two plus hours and still maintains a champion's stamina- but she can't stay awake three minutes to hear one whole song.  Explain that if you will.

Speaking of music, I think the Magic Mirror is still on; I can hear a faint trill of some instrument through the bedroom door.  Of course, it could just be one of my cats asking to join the party; they do that sometimes, social things.  With a reluctant grumble or two, I decide I'll get out of bed to look into it, so carefully I slip my arms from around her waist and my feet to the carpet.

Throwing on my dressing gown, I open the door and creep downstairs.  Just as I suspected, the little black device is still playing her songs.  That "She Will Be Loved" thing I like is on again as I pluck it off the shelf.  I don't stop the music immediately, instead sing along (as best I can, I've only heard this song once) while I wander further on down.  There's still a few lights on, after all, and we left a bit of a mess in the kitchen before, ahem, retiring; I might as well kill two birds with one stone.

As soon as I walk into the kitchen, a big, naughty smile crosses my face.  There it is, the scene of the crime: my wrinkled shirt on the floor by the table; that lovely angel frock in a sorry-looking heap an arm's length away; the empty, no-longer-chilled bottle of vodka sitting on the counter.  I gather up our clothes and put them in the laundry room to be dealt with in the morning. 

I don't know what possessed me to just take her where she stood tonight.  I mean, I really don't know.  It's like I just turned into an animal or something and I had to have her right then, or not at all.  And it wasn't a one time thing.  It kept happening.  Different positions, perhaps, and different effects, but all hot- and all, sinfully erotic.  Julia's a, um, very eager pupil- and that's all I'm going to say about it...

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