63. See You in a Few, Part One

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I don't know how he did it, personally- how he made such total surrender so delicious. I could never tire of the way Freddie would take me. There was a forcefulness in his manner, a hunger that just couldn't be satiated fast enough.

But this last time, I noticed a difference. Much of the violence, it seemed, was lacking. Freddie took it slow and gentle, as though he was well aware of how sensitive I was this morning- yet at the same time, it was unbearably emotional, and I could taste the love on his lips, feel it tingling against my body as I held him. But the steadier pace didn't keep us from reaching a peak, as we brought each other to perhaps not the highest, but definitely the sweetest, climax yet. It didn't feel like some animal mating ritual, the half-crazed onslaught of earlier. We were literally making love- and it was beautiful.

The next thirty minutes or so passed in a warm blur; it was always such a struggle to clear my head after sex. We said some foolish, lovey-dovey things to each other, I know, things that look even more ridiculous when typed out, so I'll leave it to you to decide what exactly was spoken. I did end up having to take another shower, but not alone; we helped each other wash up, but only in the interest of time, it was absolutely not because I couldn't keep my hands off of him. (Yeah, I don't believe me either...)

While Freddie fixed his hair and took his time trying to decide what to wear, I trotted downstairs to fix some tea and get breakfast started; I was far too sore to slide down the banister. He would be leaving in about another hour, so I had to get a move on. I wished he didn't have to go to work today. True, I didn't want to smother him, but I also didn't want to let him out of my sight. Whatever time here I had left, I wanted to spend it with my prince.

In retrospect, things might have turned out very, very differently if Freddie hadn't gone to Wessex Studios that morning. Everything is much clearer in hindsight, so clear it's almost ironic.

But as I was saying...

I poured a cup of tea for Freddie, fixing it up just the way he liked, then headed upstairs to bring it to him while he was getting dressed. But the door was closed when I reached the top. I raised my hand to knock, when I heard him speaking in a soft voice over the phone. Lowering my fist, I put my ear to the door and listened closer.

"...Have to see you tonight, if you're free," Freddie was murmuring. "It's important."

I frowned. See who?

But I didn't stay there. I'd done enough snooping already, and all it brought me was trouble. I went back down to finish what I was doing- but not without a little side speculation.

All through cooking breakfast I practiced wearing my mask, so that Freddie wouldn't see my thoughts when he finally did come downstairs. He was still on the phone in our bedroom (Did I just say "our" bedroom?)- with whom, I couldn't tell- when I heard a knock outside. I blinked in surprise when I opened the door. While Rudy was never late, he was also never this premature.

"Hi, Rudy!" I said with a smile. "You're so early today!"

He did not smile back. "May I come in?"

"Of course!" I let the big man into the flat. "You're just in time for tea."

But he shook his head, mouth pressed in a straight, hard line. One of the cats- I think it was Tom- padded over and nuzzled his leg. Usually Rudy would at least run his hand over the cat's back, but today he flatly ignored the affection, in fact seemed rather annoyed by it. I let all three of the cats out, as they'd just eaten and were ready to roam before sleeping another ten hours on the sofa.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "I've just about finished making breakfast. We got toast, we got sausage, we got tomatoes- and eggs, which reminds me, how do you like yours?"

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