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Sal here!

First of all, I would just like to say a great big loud "THANK YOU" to all the readers of my story.  If you enjoyed this story half as much as I enjoyed writing it, I consider that a huge success.  I also have to thank all the very sweet ones who left comments and clicked the 'Vote' button.  The feedback is one of the reasons I kept going with this story.  I love hearing your theories and words of encouragement, they keep the fires burning.

Now!  Let's get down to the heart of the matter.

I know I have made mention of a sequel especially in the last few chapters. Show of hands, who wants one?  (That's your cue, my friends.)

Alas, I'm thinking I just want a break from this story, so I'm just going to let the lack of resolution be the final note, and forget all about whether Julia and Freddie meet again, whether Danny gets to meet his father, whether this fragmented little family shall ever know true togetherness- I think I'm just going to forget about it. 

No sequel.  Sorry, folks. 

(I'm kidding.  I don't mean it.  That was a joke.  Put the pitchforks down.)

Actually, I've got some very solid ideas for a sequel.  I've already finished the first part, it just may be a little while before it's published, because I want a better grip on what I'm writing before I commit to anything.  The working title is "The Same Moon Shines," but something tells me that's going to change eventually.  But keep your eyes peeled, it is coming!  No joke!

(Edit: The title has indeed changed.  "Time Passages" is now what I'm calling it, after another great Al Stewart song which I highly recommend.)

As for this story itself, I did want to make mention of a few things I feel are necessary to draw attention to:

A)  Much of this story I tried to keep as accurate as possible as far as the events and characters are concerned.  When I began this book, I had no idea which cats Freddie had in 1977, or how many, so I kind of winged it there.  But the Starship actually was grounded in the States in 1977 due to engine trouble- and John Sebastian really did play in Central Park on Friday, July 8, at the Dr Pepper Music Festival.  And Star Wars really was playing at Loews.  And Tom Jones really did have a gig (I think) at Caesar's Palace... I could go on, but I'd bore myself and you.

B)  Portrayals of the real life people involved are based on interviews, and plain old inductive reasoning.  Nobody is really the bad guy in this story (except Paul, boo on Paul, ha ha ha).  While she is not my most favorite person in the world, I have tremendous respect for Mary and all she meant to Freddie- more than I have for people like Jim Hutton or Barbara Valentin, whom I consider (TRIGGER ALERT) to be untrustworthy sources of information.  Not to say Jim is a liar, or unimportant, I'm not implying that at all, but I think it says a lot, how Mary has kept mostly silent, while Mr. Hutton it seemed couldn't get to a publisher fast enough.  I hope Jim and Barbara rest in peace, and I wish no ill will toward all the other folks with stories to tell.  But I take everything they say with a huge grain of salt.  Facts concerning much of Freddie's life are shaky at best.  Everybody's got something to gain by them.

C) A couple of people were triggered by the chapter "Monstrous Tempers," in the way I wrote Freddie's wrath, saying Freddie would never have behaved that way.  If you're offended, I apologize, my intent was not to trigger anybody. But Freddie himself said he could be a real ogre if he felt someone had betrayed him, could be "very hard to live with."  It's in a 1985 David Wigg interview.  Look it up.  I merely took those words and ran with them.

The point is, we can't know for certain.  He was a private person with a different personality depending on who you're talking to.The general consensus is that Freddie had a stunningly creative mind and a dry, very keen sense of humor- sometimes raunchy, sometimes a little dark, occasionally self-deprecating.  He was generous, kind, goofy, and fun to be around- and at the same time waspish, moody, lonely, and unhappy.  I filled in the rest of the blanks myself.  Hopefully they were believable. 

D) To my knowledge, there is no one named Julia Samuels or Eve Dubroc that randomly stumbled into Freddie's life and served as a very brief friend and lover.  To my knowledge.

For once again, we don't know, do we?  In that song, the word "Jealousy" does indeed sound like Lennon's "Julia," and it works:

Julia, look at me now,
Julia, you got me somehow,
You gave me no warning,
Took me by surprise.
Julia, you led me on.
You couldn't lose you couldn't fail,
You had suspicion on my trail...

Julia, you tripped me up,
Julia, you brought me down.
You bring me sorrow,
You cause me pain.
Julia, when will you let go?

Curiouser and curiouser. ;)

Anyway, I just wanted to say all that, and to thank you for your support and attention.  There will indeed be a sequel, so look sharp.  It won't be long.  I promise.  No joke.

Again, I thank you.  This story has been fun.

-Sally Jay, The Girl From Number Four

You can't turn back the clock,
You can't turn back the time.
Ain't that a shame?

-Queen, "These are the Days of Our Lives"

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