Chapter 11

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"You did a good job. You didn't do anything right."

"Thank you sir and no sir. You said to not do anything expect take our clothes off and take a picture and post it on his account."

"Good. He's pathetic, just like his father. In the end he's gonna be just like him, dead."

"Sir I'll get a car to pick him up."

"No need. He's gonna come to me anyways."

"Sir is this the right thing to do."

"This is how you end up bankrupt or rob. You gotta play this card to get what you want. I warn them both but they don't listen. True love don't exist in a world like this. It never will."

"How about your marriage."

"Do you think I love her. I just needed a wife for my image and she was desperate enough to marry a man like me. But I didn't marry her just for my image. Her son was something. He will do good in his life."

"Then why bother him."

"You are asking a lot of question. Ha! It's simple. His life won't be successful without my help."

"You really are an evil man. I don't think what I did was right."

"Whatever you say. Your still getting paid and your desperate for your family. That is what makes people weak."

"I'll leave now."

"Good day Erica and make a word about our little talk then you know the deal."

Elsa POV

I stayed calm. I can't cry in front of the kids. I can't believe I said all that. Did I mean it? Of course I did....right?

Jacob: mommy

I look at Jacob and smile at him.

Jacob: I don't want mommy and daddy to fight

I didn't know what to say. I'm speechless...I don't want this family to break but...I'm sorry Jacob.

Me: daddy did something bad. I'm afraid we won't see him anymore

My voice cracked a little. I'm not doing the right thing. I know I'm not. Why don't I just apologize to Jack. I mean everyone makes mistakes. I don't know what to do.

Jacob: mommy I want to see daddy

Me: get some rest

Jacob nods and lays on me. He eyes slowly close and he's out. The other kids are asleep too. I sigh and sit in silence.

We arrived at the airport. The boys are wide awake and running around. I'm carrying a luggage and Elisa. I left the carrier at the hotel. I'll buy a new one.


I look at the boys. I guess they didn't hear me. They kept running around and I sigh. I walk to get the tickets. After I got that I look for the boys. Where did they run now? I started calling their names. Thank god the next flight is in an hour. I have an hour to search for my boys. Please tell me nothing bad happen to them.

It's been 30 minutes and I still can't find them! Where the heck would they be. I search everywhere. I even asked a police to help me! Why did I even look away? I need to straps thing for kids.


Now I'm hearing things. Do I miss my boys that much? I mean they are my kids. What am I saying? Of course I miss them! I'm worried about them! I felt a tap and I look up at the person. My eyes widen.


Jacob: we sorry mommy

Jackson: but look who we found

Me: it don't matter! I'm just glad your safe and in my sight! Don't even run off again! Anything could of happen to you! Do you want to get hurt!

The boys look down and shook their heads.

Me: look mommy is sorry for getting mad. I was just worried. Now how about we go to that candy shop.

The boys look up at me and smiled widely. I smile back. I heard a familiar cough. I look up and look at him in disgust.

Jacob: Oh! We found daddy!

Jackson: you mean he found us

Jacob: we got lost and got scared but daddy found us!

Me: let's go to the candy shop

The boys nodded and they followed me to the candy shop. Thank you Jack for finding them but please go away! I really don't want to see you.

Jack: now Elsa, shouldn't you thank me

I ignored him. We arrived at the small candy shop and the boys ran around looking at the sweets. I didn't notice Jack was beside me until Elisa started squirming around.

Jack: Elisa misses me

Me: did you not hear a word I said! I said leave us alone

Jack: I know and I will......I just want to see you and my kids again before you leave. I got another week here so..

Me: did you fire that manager

Jack: she's not picking up her phone but I'm planing too.

Me: I-I would like to hear your side of the story.

Why did I say that? Maybe because I want to hear what really happen. I mean you know the media. They exaggerate to catch the Audience attention. I heard a sigh.

Jack: you know I love to win at anything, so Erica challenge me to a drinking contest. At first I didn't want to but she tempted me. I don't remember the rest but the girls told me I 'begged' for them to sleep with me. I really don't remember....I'm sorry.

I kept quiet. I didn't know what to say. I know Jack is competitive but a drinking contest. I thought he said he would only drink on special occasions and he has to be with people he knows.

Me: I need time alone

I walked over to the boys and bought their candy. I held Jacob hand and Jackson held his. We walked out of the candy shop. Jack is still standing there. Serves him right.

Jackson: mommy look at the candy we bought!

Jacob: I got a Twix!

Me: if you eat too much candy you can get cavities. Remember that cavities you used to have.

Jacob: b-but candy is good

Me: it is but don't each too much and clean your teeth

Jackson: what happen to daddy

Another lie of the day...

Me: daddy had to go back to work

The boys nodded and ate their candy. We got on our plane in time. Looks like I'll be dropping the kids off to Anna and mom. I need time to myself. I watch the kids slowly fall asleep. I'm sorry Jackson, Jacob, and Elisa for lying to you and everything that's happening now.

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