Chapter 24

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Jack POV

I stared at Mr.Arrendle. I put on my mask of an emotionless soul on. I crossed my arms and put my weight on one leg.

"What are we gonna chat about," I asked, kind of tired of waiting.

"Your heart! Spill out your feelings young one," Mr.Arrendle said. He reminds me of someone I know very well.

"There is nothing to spill," I rolled my eyes.

"Let's pick a topic shall we? Hmmm.....Your girlfriend perhaps," Mr.Arrendle snapped his fingers. I looked at him weirdly. What does he want me to say about her?

"Spill your feelings about her," Mr.Arrendle said.

"Uh, I love her," I said. Now that I think about it....never mind. I shouldn't even be comparing Jenny to Elsa.

"How about forgetting I'm here. Now talk," Mr.Arrendle said. What is he trying to do?

"I love Jenny," I shrugged. Mr.Arrendle face palmed.

"Just compare her to Elsa," Mr.Arrendle sighs.

"Isn't that rude," I said. Mr.Arrendle shook his head.

"Alright, then um....They are both pretty gir-,"I got cut off by Mr.Arrendle.

"Forget I'm here. Pretend like your in a room alone. You know what, close your eyes. Don't make me blind fold you," Mr.Arrendle said. I sigh and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps coming close then me. A soft fabric went over my eye....WAIT IS HE BLIND FOLDING ME!

"W-WAIT IM CLOSING MY EYES," I yelled, trying to push the guy off of me. He stepped back and all I saw was black. I tried to untie the fabric but it was tied in knots.

"It's okay Jack, I'll leave you alone. Talk to yourself, it helps with stress," Mr.Arrendle said. His foot steps faded away and a door closed. I guess I really am alone. I sigh and stood there.

Normal POV

Mr.Arrendle left Jack alone in the kitchen. He walked to where his wife was, which was in the living room with Jacob and Elisa. The female smiled at her husband.

"How did it go," she asked.

"He's not speaking but I left him alone," Mr.Arrendle responded.

"What is that gonna do," Mrs.Arrendle asked.

"Make him speak his true feelings," he chuckled and left the living room. He quietly walked into the kitchen. He smirked when he heard Jack's speaking to himself.

"Elsa is more prettier and innocent looking but Jenny is a sex god! She's better then Elsa in bed but I'm not crazy about sex. Elsa changed me into a better person. Jenny makes me happier then happy. Elsa gave birth to my kids. Jenny makes me feel young know Jenny reminds me of someone," Jack said to himself. He chuckled at his thought.

Jack plopped himself on the floor. He sat cris cross and started to think some more.

"Bingo! That's who it is," Jack laughed. Mr.Arrendle watched in amusement at Jack.

"Although...Elsa does make me feel different from Chloe. She's not like any girls. She's so mature and....she's my everything. Why did I began dating Jenny? To forget my pain," Jack said. Mr.Arrendle was satisfied with that answer.

"You can always talk to her. Be yourself," Mr.Arrendle said and untied the fabric around Jack's eye. Jack squinted his eyes at the bright light that hit his face.

"I think it's time to fix this drama," Mr.Arrendle said. Jack slowly nodded. He felt ready. He felt ready to talk. He felt ready to fix everything. He felt ready. Jack got up and walked to Elsa room.

When he opened the door, he sighs. She was asleep with Jackson. He closed the door quietly. He groan and sat on the floor by the door. He's confident went away. He's half glad and half sad that Elsa was asleep. His phone buzzed and he looked at the caller.

Jack left his phone buzzing. He walked downstairs and smiled at everyone in the living room. Jacob ran up to him with a smile.

"Let's go to sleep now daddy," Jacob said. Jack got down to Jacob's level.

"Daddy got an emergency that came up. Next time I promise," Jack said. Jacob pouted and slowly nodded.

"Pinkie! It won't mean your lying," Jacob pulled his pinkie out. Jack nodded and connected pinkie with Jacob.

"Okay! I love you daddy," Jacob smiled and hugged his dad. Jack smiled and hugged back. His phone was still ringing but the ringing went away in Jack's ear. He kissed both kids that are awake and waved goodbye to his parents in law.

"See You next time Jack," Mr.Arrendle smiled. Jack nodded.

Jack walked out of the house. The phone kept ringing. He got into his car and began to drive to some where. The phone kept ringing. Jack didn't pay any attention. He was wondering if he was doing the right thing.

"Am I really running away again," Jack thought. The phone started to receive texts. The sky started to pour.

"Why am I like this! Running away! Why don't I just spend the night and tell Elsa tomorrow," Jack thought. He gritted his teeth. The phone started to ring again.

"I can tell Elsa tomorrow," Jack thought, calming himself down.

"Lies. Your too scared." A voice in Jack's head repeated. He growled and stepped on the peddle. The ringing kept repeating and repeating.

"Your scared, she won't take you back." The voice said.

"Your alone."

"You always will be."

"You ruin your chance on being happy."

"You never will be happy."

"You will always be alone." Jack screamed and grabbed his phone, picking up the call.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT," Jack screamed.

"Babe! Calm now." Jack looked at his phone and cursed under his breathe. He looks back up at the road and his eyes widen.

Two bright lights came towards Jack, blinding him. The person on the other side of the phone heard a crash and the call hung up.

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