Chapter 1

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Yoongi POV

"Yoongi! Wake up it's time for school! You don't want to be late on you're first day!!!" I groaned as i got up not wanting to. Hopefully I don't get bullied in this school....I know! I should just not talk to anybody. Yea, that would be sad but it's better than getting bullied. I thought. I got ready and headed down stairs for breakfast. "Honey, please make friends today. I beg you" my mother said. I gave her my 'Hell no' look and she just nodded. I finished my breakfast and headed out the door.
"Bye mom!" "Bye sweetie!" I cringed at her calling me those names.

Fuck. I'm here infront of the school but to scared to move an inch. C'mon Yoongi you can do this! I finally move my feet and head to the councillors office.
"Hello, I'm Mrs. Scarlet. Here is you're schedule and you're guide is this young man here. He is a second year and of course you're a third year! Haha....ha? Anyways, his name is Park Jimin." Mrs. Scarlet introduces him and a boy one inch taller than me pops up.
"Hi, call me Jimin and you're?" He ask. I just sit there to amazed to say anything. His perfect orange hair and that oh-so sexy jaw line. You can even see his abs through his uniform. I snap out of my thoughts and realize him just staring at me funny "Oh uh s-sorry...I'm Min Yoongi..." FUCK MY LIFE RIGHT NOW WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME! Did I mention I was gay? No? Oh well I just did. "Let's go." He says. I get up and follow him.

"Here's the lunch room...." he goes on with his little 'tour' but I give no shits to paying attention to it. His beauty is to blinding. "...and heres you're first class!" I jump and look up. Damn it. It's math. "Well than bye! I gotta head to class." Jimin sadly leaves.

*Time skip to lunch*


I walk to lunch and look for Jimin. There he is!...wait. I'm a fucking idiot. Of course he has friends and a girlfriend. I clench my fist and just walk away. I don't even bother to grab lunch and head outside.

Jimin POV

I laugh along with my lovely girlfriend and buddies and notice that one guy i guided this morning looking at me. Weirdo. He turns around and walks outside. Is he not gonna get lunch? Should I get it for him? Maybe....

Yoongi POV

I walk out and go to the back of the school. There's a bunch of beautiful tree's. I decide to sit under the shade and relax from Jimin. He hasn't done anything apart from taking my heart. Cringy. But it can't be helped its true. I love the younger boy.

Jimin POV

I go to the back of the school and see that guy under a tree sleeping. He looks peaceful but he won't be able to concentrate the rest of the day if he doesn't eat. I walk over to him and shake his shoulders. He's out cold. His shoulders are really thin... I start roaming my hands around his body. His slender hips and curves. His thighs, his arms, pretty much everything. He has the body of a woman.
"Mmm" Yoongi moaned turning his head and slowly waking up. Shit. I pull back my hands but my face is an inch away from his. He looks up and sees how close we are. Yoongi blushes deep red and starts to stutter "W-w-w-what ar-e you d-doing?!?" He backs up but the tree behind him refuses to let him. I back up realizing how disgusting my actions were and hand him the lunch i got him and say "You should eat." I got up and left.

Yoongi POV

Disgust. I saw it in his face. Does he know I' I look over at the lunch tray, grab it and throw it. I feel my eyes burning. Why the hell am I crying? He isn't worth my he? No! He looked at me with disgust....
Finally tears start falling. The bells ring but I ignore it. I don't feel like going to class. Why Park Jimin of all people...

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