Chapter 13

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It's been four years since I last saw Jimin...

Me and Jungkook both decided to move since life was being a bitch to the both of us. We moved to far, far away from Jimin and Taehyung. Both Jungkook and I continued High school in the same school and when we graduated we moved. I managed to make it into a new college in the new town. Sadly, Jungkook didn't and instead made it to another college.

We both stood in front of my new dorm that I would be sharing with someone but I'm not sure who it is yet. Jungkook started tearing up and shouted
"Hyung!" "Yes Jungkook?" "Promise that we'll meet EVERY weekend okay?!?" "Of course Kookie."  Jungkook hugged me and sobbed out "G-G-Good by- bye Yoongi Hyung I'll miss you" "Me too Jungkook." We parted ways and I stepped into my room.

This room is huge! I placed my luggage on the bed that looked  more comfortable. I looked around in awe. The beds were king size and the closest, bathroom, and kitchen were very spacious.  This room is bigger than my old apartment. But Jimin's house was bigger... I froze, Jimin. I felt tears rolling down my cheek then falling onto my shirt. Snap out of it Yoongi! Jimin is in the past get over him! I have more important things to do now. I walked out the dorm because I had to go meet the councilor. As I walked down I saw a group of girls laughing and gossiping. The only thing I managed to hear was "OMG! Have you seen that cute guy that was near the coffee shop!" "Oh my goodness yes I have! His name is...." and that's all I heard. Wonder who it is, not. I can give no fucks to who it is.

After leaving the councillors office I decided to take a stroll around campus since it was still early and to give myself a head start for tomorrow.

It's been a couple hour's now. Maybe I should face time Jungkook...nah when I get to my dorm I will. Wait, what time is it? 5:46, My roommate should be there now. I'm gonna go see who it is!

Ok Yoongi, take deep breaths, You're in front of your dorm. Now just unlock the door and open it. I took out my key and unlocked the door then put my hand on the door knob. I slowly opened it and when I looked inside.... I saw nobody. "WHOAAA! THAT WAS NERVE WRECKING!" I yelled kind of releaved. I closed the door and walked in. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed two bags on the other bed.


No...It can't be...

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