Connecting the Dots

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Merlin let his thoughts of the beast take over his brain. He had to have a name other than 'beast' if he had been a human. How come he was not aware of this castle? It wasn't too far from Ealdor. His head protested weakly when he sat up and splotches of bright color prevented him from attempting to see in the darkness of the castle. He squeezed his eyes shut and when he opened them again he let his vision adjust to the dark.

He noticed he was in the room to the right of the doors where he first entered the castle and where he made his escape attempt. He was on the floor not far from the fire, with more blankets than seemed necessary under him, next to him and covering him. He used his right arm, his unbandaged arm, to push the blanket on top of him aside and start the slow process of getting to his feet.

Once standing, Merlin came to the realization that he had no idea what he was planning on doing. After a short contemplation, he decided to carefully make his way back up to his room (might as well use that phrase because it didn't seem like he was escaping anytime soon) and maybe try and get some rest on a proper bed. He blamed his unwell head for making him stand up just to go somewhere else to sleep.

When he made it up to his room, Merlin found that he had very little desire to rest. The wardrobe was still, and if he didn't know any better he would believe it to be an ordinary piece of furniture. Glancing out the window, he could see a sliver of light on the horizon, an indication of early morning.

Merlin turned back to his almost completely bare room and, out of boredom, opened the top drawer of the small white bureau next to his bed he barely noticed. There was nothing of his stored in them so what was the point of taking notice? However, there was nothing to do and opening some drawers seemed like an attractive option right now. Merlin bent down, clasped his fingers around the handle of the top drawer and pulled it open.

Nothing was in it. Obviously. There were two more drawers however, and Merlin opened them up anyway. The second drawer had nothing in it either. Then he got to the third drawer and the only thing in it was a button.

Merlin picked it up and examined it. It was as big as the pad of his thumb and entirely red, save for a small spot of gold in the center. There was a piece of red thread hanging off of the back of it, as if it was once attached to something. As Merlin continued to look at the button, he realized why he was so interested in it. It looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.

No one Merlin knew back in Ealdor wore buttons regularly, and those that did never wore buttons of this value. He racked his still hurting head to figure out where in the world he would have seen a beautiful, intriguing, royal-

And then it hit him.

The person in the portrait in the beast's room.

He was wearing a vest with buttons exactly like this.

Merlin was struck with the urge to return to the beast's room and match the button up with the ones in the painting. Taking another glance out the window, he could see more light was shining down on the treetops and slabs of blue were appearing in the sky. The castle sure felt asleep. Maybe he could sneak in and-

No. Absolutely not. That was a terrible idea. Stupid, groggy brain. But if what the wardrobe said was true, that the beast was some sort of royal prince and an enchantress cursed the castle two years ago-

Wait. How come he didn't think of this before?

The portrait in the beast's that what he truly looked like?

Merlin stared at the button again. He was itching to get up and find the painting of the blond boy, scratches and all.

Stupid, groggy brain.

Merlin stood up, the button enclosed in his fist and walked to the door. He peered into the halls to be certain no one was around, then gently closed his door and tip-toed to the west wing.

What seemed like hours later he arrived at the entrance to the beast's room. The door was closed and the torches in the corridor burned low. Hesitantly, Merlin turned the doorknob and froze at the creak the door made. He pushed it open the slightest bit wider and looked in the room. It all looked the same, tattered curtains, broken glass...but no beast.

Maybe it isn't the beast's room, Merlin thought. Maybe it's just where he stores the things he no longer wants to remember. It doesn't seem like a satisfactory room anyway.

Merlin slipped inside, the light from the early morning sun casting an otherworldly glow on the rustling curtains, sharp glass and particles of dust in the air. Merlin's gaze immediately landed on the wall where the large portrait was and focused on the buttons on the vest. He opened his fist and looked at the one in his hand. There was no denying it. They were identical.

With no idea what to do with this information, his eyes fell on the rose again. Remembering what happened the last time he was here, he turned to go.

But he was still curious.

Stupid, groggy brain.

Merlin changed direction and stood in front of the rose. He couldn't fathom how it sparkled and floated on nothing but the air. His eyes then noticed the silver mirror lying face down next to it. He picked it up without a second thought.

Merlin turned it so that the mirror was facing him and he could see his reflection in the shiny surface. His hair was something to be frightened of and his face looked tired, even though he didn't feel that way at all. He set the mirror back down and went to the balcony just behind him. He let the early morning breeze cool his face and put his hands to the balcony railing, looking out at the castle's front garden and the trees beyond. After a couple of minutes, movement at the edge of the trees caught his attention and within a moment he could clearly see what was causing the commotion.

Or who. The beast.

He was running on all fours back to the castle, the wind whipping his brown fur in all directions and his mouth open making the tips of his teeth visisble from even this height.

Merlin gasped and bolted out of the room down the halls and in the direction of his room. He had almost made it when he heard claws clacking and heavy breathing and stomping. He was all at once aware of how loud his own running footsteps were but he was almost to his room and kept running-

And then a single word made him stop. Out of fear out of surprise he didn't know.


The Boy and the Beast: A Merthur Beauty and the Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now