In the Meantime

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Five Weeks Ago

Hunith arrived back in Ealdor aching all over, but it was nothing compared to how terrified she was for her son. The carriage tossed her out onto the ground and as she began to get to her feet she watched as the contraption disappeared behind the cluster of trees leading into the woods. There was a chance she could be able to find the castle again, but she knew she was in no shape to go alone. The only thing on her mind was finding her son and she had an idea of who she could ask for help.


Morgana was without a doubt someone who everyone in Ealdor knew. The mention of her name could immediately evoke feelings of intimidation. She was never known for being nice or pleasant even before she fought in the war about six years back. In fact, upon returning from the war her arrogant and supercilious personality was only amplified. 

In spite of all of her less endearing qualities, however, Morgana was very beautiful. Her silky black hair, her bright eyes, her smooth, pale skin. Everyone in the village could see it which was why they all chose to look past her unappealing side...or maybe they simply didn't notice it. 

Hunith, on the other hand, was aware of Morgana's darker side. Probably because she knew about how she acts around her son and is more aware of her ways. In any case, Morgana was the only person Hunith could see herself asking for help and getting a satisfactory response. 

Hunith pushed the doors of the tavern open and immediately began to look around for Morgana, as she was certain this is where the girl would be. When she couldn't locate her after a few scans of the crowded room, she began to call out, hoping anyone, Morgana or not, would be able to assist her. 

"Help! Anyone, help! It's Merlin, he's been taken!"

The rambunctious crowd began to quiet down and give her quizzical looks. 

"A beast, a-a monster in the woods!"

At this, deep chuckles erupted from the tavern goers.

"Please, you have to help me! This is serious, my son's life is in danger!"

The laughter continued. 

"I'm telling you the truth, he's being held prisoner by a terrible beast! His castle, it's in the woods."

"A castle in the woods?" someone mocked. 

"You have to listen to me!" Hunith started to get restless. "I promise you, it's all true!" She studied the faces around the tavern. "Will anyone help me find my son?"

There was no response for so long that she feared she would never get Merlin back. Then, a voice to her far right caught her attention.

"I'll help you, Hunith."

It was Morgana. She was surrounded by three men which explains why Hunith didn't see her before. Morgana stood up from where she was sitting, pushed past the men and strutted over to the poor woman. 

Hunith felt her chest flutter. "You will?"

"Why of course," Morgana replied, taking hold of one of Hunith's hands. She then turned to the crowd. "I am ashamed at how you have treated this woman. Trying to find her son and you laugh?"

Hunith, grateful, said, "Thank you so much."

"Of course. Now, where is this beast?"


Thirty minutes later, Morgana and Hunith were in a carriage traveling through the woods. It was dark, cold and Morgana was clearly ready to end the search for the night.

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