Chapter X

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Chapter 10
|Song of the Chapter -Down In flames, by Ella Vos-|

Hunter's POV
"You are going to the hospital"
I tell Cathrine
I could tell that Grace was confused, I would be too, she doesn't really know much about my family, other than what I've told her of course.

"I D-don'T wAnnA Goooo HuntY PleAsee"
Cathrine all but practically begs me
"You are sick, you need to go to rehab and get your fucking life together, look at you, your a 22 year old low life, your supposed to be there for me, but where the hell have you been? You've been in god damn la la land fucking around with drugs. You being the idiot you are is gonna fucking ruin your life, do you not understand that Cathrine"
I tell her
"UgH wHatEveR I'd RatHer Be AT tHe hoSpitAl TheN wiTh yOu"
She says slumping back into the back seat, I look over at Grace and she's lost in thought, obviously she is she's probably wondering why your picking up your older sister that's high as fuck and needs to be taken to the god damn hospital.

I reach my hand over to her leg and place it there, reminding her that it's okay and that I'm still here. She looks over at me and smiles a bit before putting her head against the window, and looking out of it.

How many times am I gonna pull up to this hospital? Why can't I have normal life, ugh I just want to get this over with.
As I park the truck and pull my keys out of the ignition, I go to the back of the truck and grab a shirt since Grace has mine.

"Do I ReaLly HaVE tO do ThIs"
Cathrine asks me as I help her out of the truck
"Yes, and then your gonna stay here over night so I can come back for you in the morning, and then we will have a serious talk, when your not high or drunk"
I tell her

"Here, Hunter, let me help"
I here Grace's soft voice behind me
"WHo's ThIS?"
Cathrine asks me
"I'm Grace, a-a friend of Hunter's"
She tells her, but when she says 'friend' it hits me, that all we are is friends, I desperately want that to change.

"LOoks liKE youR moRE ThaN friEndS"
She smirks gesturing to my shirt on her
"Enough stalling, its time to get you taken care of, come on"
I tell her while grabbing onto her, and lightly pulling her towards the door, with Grace right beside me...

As we approach the door, I feel a slight tug on my arm, and I turn around to Grace.
"Um I need to make a phone call real quick, I'll be in soon, just text me the room number or something"
She tells me
"Alright, be careful its late"
I warn
"I know I'll be in soon"
She says
"Alright babe"
I tell her, as I continue into the door of the Emergency Room... Little did I know, that the night my sister got high as fuck, and had to be taken to the hospital, would change my life completely.

Grace's POV
Tonight, has changed my perspective of everything so much, the way Hunter and I talked while we were alone. The way he took care of his sister, when she didn't particularly deserve it or want it, the way he still reminded me that he was there, just the little stuff, has reminded me of everything that I love about him... And now it's time to do something I've been dreading, I don't even know if I'll tell Hunter yet.. I might just tell him when I feel the time is right.

As I pull my phone out of the pocket of my backpack I sigh, knowing that this isn't going to be particularly easy, what am I saying it's going to suck, I have no idea how he's going to react.
But let's do it.

He's says into the phone
"Hey, um did I wake you?"
I ask, my nerves are twisting into knots
"Yeah, its fine though, what's up? Are you okay?"
He breaths into the phone
"I-I think we need to talk Eric"
I tell him while taking in a deep breath
He said cautiously

"I'm breaking up with you, I'm sorry"
I tell him as straight up as I could, just to get it over with
"What?! Why?!"
He demanded
"I-I've met someone, or more like reconnected with someone, and we're so far away, we barely talk, and I think I've finally found someone I want to be with for the rest of my life... I'm sorry Eric I never wanted it to be like this, I just honestly haven't felt anything with or for you for months, and I don't want to be cheating or lying on or to anyone, so I figured I would get it over with now, before anything else happens between me and him"
I confessed to him, scared of how he would react

"What. The. Hell, Grace, I thought you were happy, I thought we were in love, and that we'd be together forever, you know what who is it?"
He sputtered
"His name is Hunter, and I was happy, but then it kinda went away, I haven't been in love for a very long time, I-I was trying to make it work but it's just not"
I mumbled to him
"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM, And get my girl back, you just wait Grace, you just wait"
He snarled to me

"Eric, stop, you need to calm down, if you really love me, let me go, let me be happy"
I pleaded to him
"No Grace, your mine, and only mine, Goodbye my love"
He says possessively and hangs up

I sigh, as I check my messages from Hunter.

Oh no, I turn around to go inside but Hunter is already there, looking at me

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Oh no, I turn around to go inside but Hunter is already there, looking at me.
"Um, sorry I was still on the phone"
I tell him
"Who was that? Why were they yelling at you?"
He asks me in a concerned tone
"Oh, um no one important"
I lie, looking down at my feet, and pick at my fingernails.

He puts his long finger under my chin, and pulls it up to look into his beautiful eyes, that are usually dark brown, with specks of green, but right now they are almost fully green with specks of brown.

"Who was that babe, who were you talking to?"
He asks me again, but now more in a stern tone
"I-It was Eric"
I admit
"What were you talking about, why was he so mad?"
He continued
I ask him and he nods his head
"I broke up with him"
I explained to him
He gawked

"Yeah, he didn't take it well, but I took your advice, I told him the truth"
I finished
He marveled
"Because, I finally realized that I found the one I wanted to be with, after tonight your the only one I want Hunter"
I confessed to him

To be continued
Well hi there, how was that for you? I know I know, moving fast? Maybe a bit but we'll see what happens anyways Bye Loves❤️
Pick up line of the chapter: Sorry, but you owe me a drink. [Why?] Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.

 [Why?] Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine

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