Chapter VII

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Chapter 7
|Song Of The Chapter- Can't Help Myself by: Jake Miller-|

"Thanks, for taking me shopping, Hunter"
I tell him as we walk back to the truck
"Anytime, Gorgeous"
He says to me
"Hey, Hunter?"
"Will you tell me more about you, I mean I know about you, but I want to know you, I don't really know if that made sense, but I think you know what I mean"
I try to explain and ask at the same time.

"Well what do you want to know?"
He asks me
"Just simple stuff that you've probably told me already, but I've forgotten over the years"
I explain
"Ok, well my favorite color is red, I have a older sister, I love dogs, cats are okay too but dogs are my favorite, and that's bout all I'm pretty boring"
He tells me.

"That's it? That's all I get out of you, really?"
I whine
"Grace, I'm not an interesting person"
He sighs
"Fine, tell me something you've never, ever, told anybody"
I tell him.

"Well I guess I would've ended up telling you anyways, but I used to be really depressed"
He says
"What?, When?"
I ask
"Back in High school"
"My sister she was having problems, she got arrested a couple times and my parents ended doing a lot of things that they didn't even realize they were doing because they were too busy with her"
He explains
"Hunter, I'm so sorry"
I try to tell him
"No, it's fine I'm better now it only comes back every once in awhile, don't even worry about it Babe"
When he called me babe, I felt little flutters in my stomach, gosh dang it what is this boy doing to me?

"Now that I've practically poured my soul out to you, go ahead and tell me some of your darkest shit"
He says to me and I chuckle
"Well I don't really have many dark deep secrets, you know me I'm a good girl"
I say to him.

"What's the worst thing you've ever done then?"
"I may or may not have cheated on one of the SATs"
I say looking down at the ground
"Wait seriously?"
He asks me and I just nod my head
"Which one?"
I chuckle.

"How the hell did you manage to do that?"
He asks me
"Well I was in Ms. Washington's class when we did math, so I asked if I could sit by the window, which was right where that girl Sierra sat, so when she wasn't looking I'd just look over slightly, and get she got a pretty good grade."
I explain to him.

"That's sounds like a lot of work, especially for just cheating"
He chuckles
"It wasn't too hard, I mean I was smart enough to come up with it, but tell me a story, I don't care what it's about"
I say
"Your sure?"
He asks
"Yes, now tell me"
I tell him.

"Okay, this is back in middle school though"
He says to me and I nod.

"Ok, well actually it was 9th grade for me, it was 7th for you but anyways. So me and my friends were at lunch, talking about girls from our old middle school, like who was cute who could kiss best and who we thought, could well... suck dick best"
We both chuckle
"What is wrong with boys these day"
I chuckle again

"Well, your name may have came up a few times"
He finishes
"What, where was my name brought up at?"
I ask
"All of them"
He says

"What?! How did they even know who I was?"
I wonder aloud, I mean Hunter was one of the popular guys at our middle school and high school.
"You were always around me, so you were around them, and whoever didn't know who you were, we would show them a picture of us, and well yeah"
He finishes.

"Guys are literally one of the strangest creatures on the planet"
I say and he chuckles
"We aren't perfect, but yet girls love us anyway"
"True that"
I whisper to myself.

"So, do you want lunch?"
He asks
"Um, sure"
"Alright, are you down for Exile?"
He asks
"What's Exile, I've never been there"
He gasps
"You've never been to Exile, what the hell"
I chuckle

"No, I haven't, I just moved here remember"
I say hitting his head lightly, whilst he chuckles at me.
"Oh yes, I will take the honor of being your first"
I feel heat raise to my face, knowing he didn't mean it like that but for some reason my mind just drifted there, it always did when he was around.

I think he finally figured out what he said, and he quickly tries to fix it.
"O-Oh I didn't m-mean it like t-that, um.."
He says stuttering practically every other word
"Did the 'Bad Boy' just stutter, for me"
I gasp
"I'm so honored, sir"
I say trying not to laugh, but a big smile covering almost half my face showing.
"Shut up child"
He says smirking, thinking he has me caught abut no.
"So are you calling yourself a pedophile?"
I ask him
"You like me, so if I'm a child, and your not, then I guess your a pedophile"
I say smirking

"That's bullshit, I'm only 2 years older, Grace"
He says, basically ratting himself out
"You just ratted yourself out hun"
I chuckle
"Just hush, I do have duck tape still"
He threatens

"Why do you always use the excuse that you have duck tape to shut me up? I get it but then again I don't"
I say partially confused
"Because its duck tape and y'know I could tape your mouth shut"
He tries to explain, but I just tilt my head slightly to the side.

"Oh never mind lets just go eat, lord, you are difficult sometimes"
He sighs
"But you love it, Slater"
I punch his arm playfully, as I undo my seatbelt
"That could be possibly true"
He whispers, to where I could barely hear what he said, but strangely I think he's falling for me just as fast as me for him.

"Wanna come to the party, tonight?"
He asks, as we walk towards the entrance of the restaurant.
"You know I don't like to socialize, plus last time I came to a party you yelled at me, we figured out who each other were, we kissed, and you fought with Celena"
I tell him
"Ok well I yelled at you, because you got mud all in my truck, yes, we found out who each other were and that was a good thing, yes, we kissed and, that was a pretty good thing as well, and the fight with Celena was all fucking bullshit"
He says trying to convince me

"Why don't we just go to the beach?"
I ask him
"The beach?"
He asks as he opens the door
"Yeah we can hang out here for a bit, then drive down to the beach for a bit"
I explain

"Hi, table for two?"
The host says
"Yes sir"
I respond
"Right this way"
He says picking up two menus, and walking over to the back of the restaurant, where a bunch of booths are, seating us in the farthest one from the front.
"Your waiter will be with you soon"
He says after handing us our menus and then walking away.

"So the beach?"
Hunter asks again
"Yes the beach"
"Like swimming, or just sitting on the sand?"
"Both, I wanna swim, but I love watching the sunset from the beach"
I tell him
"Alright the beach it is, eat up Gorgeous, cause we're gonna have a great night"
He says winking.

To be continued
Hope you enjoyed Loves, I don't have anymore chapters pre-written so I'm writing as much as possible right now. Thank you for be patient.
Pick up line of the chapter: Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?

Pick up line of the chapter: Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?

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