Chapter XVIII

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Chapter 18
|Song of the chapter- Your Such A By: Hailee Steinfeld-|

Hunter's POV
Taking Grace here was a big step for us, even though she hasn't realized yet, this is the place where I'm going to ask her to be mine officially, where I tell her I love her with all my heart for the first time, I know what your all thinking, aren't you moving a bit fast? Yes, but with her it feels like time has stopped, the time that she's been here with me has felt like we've been together for an eternity but, and we aren't even together, in a sense we know so much about each other, then again we know nothing, with her it's just like the first time for everything over again.

She's always been my first love, she's always been the one I wanted to be with, she's special, like no one I've ever met before.
"Where are we?"
She asks me, and I just rub my thumb against her clothed thigh.
"We're going somewhere special, babe"
I tell her while sneaking a glance over at her, god those red lips, damn it.

"You've already told me that"
She chuckles, and looks over at me
"Well that's where we're going"
I smirk as I tighten my grip lightly on her leg, and then relax it, I see two little circles of pink making it's way onto her cheeks, the same way it was earlier, when Ali caught us kissing.
I turn off the truck and yanked the lanyard that's attached to my keys, out of the ignition.

"Come on babe, we're here"
I say while opening my door, and then walking over to her side helping her down from the truck, yes I know she doesn't need my help to get down, but I like to do it cause I feel like a gentleman.

I grab ahold of her hand, and start walking down the lightly graveled path.
"I hope you aren't taking me here to murder me"
She tells me, and I just chuckle
"No, if I were to do anything, murder would be 3rd on the list"
I say, and she just looks at me with wide eyes
"So what would be 1 and 2?"
She asks

"Well the first would be to throw you in the lake, and the second would be to kiss you, till we couldn't barely breathe"
I tell her
"Ok no to number 1 and 3, yes to number 2"
She says, and I just squeeze her hand

"Wait, wait, wait, did you just say there's a lake over here?"
She chorused
"Yeah, there is a lake"
I say making a right turn at a certain tree, that I know will give us a short cut
"And we're here"
I bubble to her, and she looks away from me to see the lake, and a tire swing hanging off of a tree.

"What is this place?"
She cooed excitedly
"Just a little place I found, I come here every once in awhile, quite pretty isn't it?"
I smiled
"Yeah, it is pretty, but um what are we doing here?"
She asks
"We are on a date"
I smirk
"But you didn't even ask me on a date, that's so not fair Hunter"
She whines
"You'll be just fine, I wanted to surprise you"
I chuckle
"Now let's go"
I tell her, walking towards the water
"What are you doing"
She laughs, as I pull off my shirt, and throw it on the ground.

"We are going swimming"
I tell her and grab ahold of her hand, and pull her towards me, while walking backwards, and she just laughs.
"I don't have a bathing suit Hunter, and it's like quite cold"
"Quite cold? It's Florida for fucks sake, and you don't need a bathing suit"
I mock her at saying it was cold, I've gone swimming in September, when I lived in Michigan.

"Okay, I still don't have a bathing suit"
She tells me
"All you have to do is pull your shirt, and pants off, and you'll be just fine"
I tell her, as I let her hand go and bend down to start unlacing my shoes, and pulling them off along with my socks, and then slipping off my pants, leaving me just in my navy boxer briefs.

I look up to see her scanning over my body, a slight tint of pink on each side of her nose.
"Fine, suit your yourself"
I say jumping into the lake, the bubbles hit my face as soon as it goes underwater, and I then make my way to the surface of the water, where I see her staring at the water, I guess she's debating a bit.
I shake my hair out, and then swim over to the edge of where the water dipped off, from the grass.

"Come on babe, jump in, I promise it feels good in here"
I say trying to convince her
"Hunter, why couldn't you have just told me we were going swimming"
She groans
"Your bra and underwear, will do the exact same thing as your bathing suit"
I tell her
"My makeup?"
She asks
"Oh stop being such a girl, I know you want to come in just come onnnn"
I groan pulling out the "n"

She says slipping her shoes off, and then her socks, and piece of clothing, by piece of clothing, she finally is down to her underwear and bra which were matching. Well not exactly but close enough, it was a black laced bra that had two strips up the very middle of her back, and black cheeky underwear on, honestly if I had a preference, I would choose those over a thong. I think they are much more sexy, yes some thongs are sexy, but I'd stick to the cheekys, plus they are more comfortable for her.

"Are you gonna come in, or are you gonna let me admire your body some more?"
I smirk to her, when she quickly rushes over to the edge of the water, and gets in.
I sigh, as I make my way over to her, and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Your beautiful baby"
I whisper into her ear, and then kiss it slightly
She stutters
"No problem, anytime"
I pull back, and place a small but lingering kiss on her lips.

"So, what do you want to talk about"
I ask her, while leaning against the barrier that the grass has, made from the corrosion of the water against it for years, upon years.
"I-I don't know, the weather maybe"
She says, and I just chuckle.
"I was kidding"
She says quickly
"I know babe"
I tell her, and grab ahold of her hand and intertwine her fingers with mine, and pull her closer to me, I feel her body heat radiating onto mine.

I whisper to her
She whispers back
"Your beautiful"
I whisper again, and she chuckles lightly
"You've already said that to me"
She whispers lightly
"I can't help if I repeat myself, speaking what's on my mind, is a fucking blessing and a curse"
I finally break our little whispering conversation, by talking normally but still lightly.

"That it is, so what was the point of us going swimming right now?"
She asks me
"What do you mean, I love swimming and hanging out with your beautiful face, so I thought win, win"
I tell her
"Mhm, so this isn't a date?"
She asks
"What do you mean, I already told you it was"
I say to her
"You still didn't ask me, Hunter Slater"

"Fine, hey babe, wanna go on a date?"
I say sarcastically
"Sure, I would love to"
She replies smiling
"Even if you said no, you'd still be on a date with me right now"
I tell her, and she just chuckles
"Whatever you say, Hunty"
She smirks
"What are you smirking about"

As soon as I said that, she let's go of one of my hands, and moves her hand down my chest, making my breath shorten, when I look down at her hand it quickly moves up to my chin, and pulls it upwards to look at her, and that's when she pulled my face forward, to meet her in a slow, passion filled kiss, teasing, and hot, what I mean by hot, I mean scorching, kisses, god, I'm so in love with this beautiful woman, in front of me that, is filling my veins with liquid heat, and passion.

To be continued
So hi how ya doing? I'm doing pretty good I'm on vacation right now, but I'm still gonna try to update every five days.
I hope you enjoyed❤️
Pick up line of the chapter: I was blinded by your beauty... I'm going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.

 I'm going to need your name and number for insurance purposes

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