Chapter 1

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Jordyn's P.O.V

An annoying alarm sound woke me up early in the morning. I lazily got out of bed and got ready to go to the library. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, ate breakfast, grabbed my books, keys, phone, and left. The drive there didn't take long, I parked, got out and went into the library. I took my normal seat near the back and opened up my textbooks.

I had only been studying for about 15 minutes when a tall, lean figure with long brown curls pushed to the right so you can see his bright mesmerizing green eyes entered the library. He had a grey sweater on with a white T-shirt peeking out at the top, black skinny jeans, and brown leather boots. He walked over and took a seat facing me at the next table. He took out a textbook that read Psychology along with a pencil and spiral notebook. When he looked up and noticed me staring at him, I quickly looked away hoping he didn't see me. I soon felt his gaze on me and I knew he was staring at me but I didn't want to face those beautiful green eyes.

Something about him made me want to know more about him. I looked back at him and saw him smile just enough to show his two perfect dimples & it made my cheeks flush red and my heart skipped a beat. I had never gotten that feeling from a guy before, because no guy had ever given me that much attention. I was so caught up in his mysterious presence I couldn't concentrate. After 15 minutes with a cloudy mind I packed up my stuff and left to go to the nearest coffee shop. Even in a different place I couldn't get his smiling face out of my head. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't study anymore, and just as I was about to leave and go back to my apartment the door of the coffee shop opened. I looked up to see him with his curls and green eyes looking at me once again.

He walked up to the counter and ordered two coffees. After he said that I felt my heart sink a little. I felt stupid for thinking a guy like him could find me attractive. He was obviously waiting for somebody. When the coffee's were done he picked them up. I thought he was going to leave but then I heard foot steps come close to me and take the seat in front of me and I heard the raspy voice I'd been dying to hear say "Hi".

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