24. I'm right here

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Willow and I are taking our things out of the car. We both have a bag, with clothes and everything else we need for the next few days. It's cold but lovely. The view from up here is amazing. You can see Joe's whole farm and a few other houses around the area.

It really is beautiful.

"Hey, are you coming?" Willow asks, and I turn around to look at her. She has opened the door and is waiting for me to come along. I stare at her for a while until I can feel tears wanting to come out of my eyes.

"Harley," she comes towards me, laying her hands on my cold cheeks.

"What is wrong?" She asks, concerned. I just let go of my bag, listening to it fall on the frozen ground.

"I like you so much." I cry, seeing her almost tear up as well.

"I like you a lot too, Harley. I won't leave, okay?" I nod to her words as a tear slides down my cheek.

"I'm right here." She whispers before kissing my forehead.

"Let's get inside before we freeze to death." She says, and it makes me smile.

"Yeah," I say, picking up my bag as I dry the tears away with the sleeve of my jacket. We walk inside the little cabin. It's nothing big at all. The living room and kitchen areas one. A bedroom and a bathroom, which is it. I like it.

I tell Willow that I will go to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable and warm: sweatpants and a hoodie. It's so cold, but Willow laid more wood in the fireplace to heat it more.

"I'm hungry and tired." I yawn as I get out of the bathroom, stretching out. Then I notice Willow staring at me with almost widen eyes. I think she is trying to hide it. Why is she looking at me like that?
"What?" I ask, confused.

"Nothing." She says, putting more wood in the fireplace. I shrug and find my way to the fridge, but even though it's full, I don't know what to make.

"You want me to make something?" Willow comes in behind me, searching through the fridge as well.

"No." I shake my head with a yawn and turn to her.

"I just want to sleep," I say, and she nods with a smile.

"Okay, then we do that." I follow Willow to the bedroom, and I fall straight down. I have been waiting all day to just lay in a bed. Nothing feels better than being surrendered with comfort from the bed. Worst of all, it's a hell of a fight to get out of it.

"You are really tired." Willow chuckles, and I nod with my face buried down in the softness. I feel the bed sink down, and I see her lying there next to me, staring at me with her beautiful, mesmerizing eyes.

"What?" I laugh lightly at how she looks at me.

"You are beautiful," Willow says unexpectedly, and I watch her, shocked.

"No, I am not," I say, feeling that my cheeks are warmer than they were.

"Yes, you are." She says, brushing my hair behind my ear as she did in the car. So gentle and concentrated. I like it when she shows me her affection. I wish she could do it more often.

That she could open up her doors for me, breaking all the laws she has made inside of her. The rules that she has followed ever since I met her. She has, but it's not much. I don't know why she can't try and break them.

"What are you thinking about?" She wonders, dragging me out of my own thoughts.

"You," I say as I rest my head on her shoulder, with my face almost buried in her neck and my arm over her stomach. This is the best feeling in the whole world.

"What about me?" She questions, holding me. Then I close my eyes as I feel her kiss my forehead.

"Why do you still struggle to let me in," I say, and her long silence kind of answers my question. I have waited for a while now. I am getting impatient. She hasn't told me anything yet. The only thing she has told me is that she has lots of parts of her that made her whole. I don't understand what she means by that.

"It's hard and complicated, Harley." She tells me, and I close my heavy eyes. She still won't tell me. Right now, I am too tired to care, but I can feel the disappointment.

"I'm sorry," Willow says, and I can really hear it in her voice that she is.

"It's okay, Will. I still like you." 

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