1. Harley!

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Every night, I dream the same dream. It's been like that for a year now, and it's the same every time. I don't get it. The images are clear. I remember every little detail that is shown. It's not much, but still, how is it possible to remember it so well that you can almost feel it?

There is so much emotion, and I don't even understand why, because I don't even know her. Every night I dream she is there. I don't know her name, but I know how she looks and how it feels to be around her.

Her hair is long and dark as night. Her skin as pale as the moonlight, and her eyes green as the forest. She is a lot taller than I am, I know because she stares down at me. The softest way a person has ever looked at me.

When that moment comes, she stands right in front of me, I feel my skin tingle, and I don't know why. Not long after, she raises her hand to touch my cheek. Her hand is not warm, it's cold as ice, but even though she is cold, it's soothing.

That is what I don't understand. How can someone who looks as pale as snow and feel just that way be so warm? I mean, her eyes are filled with care, and her touch is so light that it's like she is scared she would hurt me.

After she stroked my cheek and watched me for a long while, she moves closer, but slowly, waiting for me to respond in any way that shows her that I am uncomfortable with it. Which I don't. I stand my ground, frozen.

When she knows that I will not move an inch, she keeps coming closer and closer. But whenever she is about to kiss me, she disappears. Completely gone as if it was all a ghost that was standing in front of me. Maybe she is. It's all a dream.

When I wake up, I lay in bed, disappointed like every other morning. I never get that kiss, and I always wonder how it would be like, how it would feel like. It really annoys me.

"Harley!" Dad shouts, and I roll my eyes.

"I am up!" I yell back and sigh as I get out of my bed, both of my feet standing in a pile of dirty clothes. Ever since mom moved out, things have fallen to pieces. She felt dad's work came before everyone and everything. He was often away and always come home late. Mom couldn't take it, so she left him.

My brother and I stay at each of them every other week. It's not been easy, but at least it made dad be more at home because he has to. I can't leave a six-year-old alone at home, and no way I will use all my time on babysitting my brother.

"You need to take your brother to school!" Dad just shouted, and it almost made my trip as I took on my jeans.

"What!" I yell in frustration. It's not like I am already late for school, but I hear the front door shut close, which makes me groan in annoyance.

"Jake, are you ready?" I ask as I try to get the sweater over my head in a hurry. He doesn't answer, so I reach for my keys and run downstairs.

"Oh," I say as he is sitting on the bench in the hallway waiting for me. He seems sad, and I know it's the fact that dad just left him with me. I have gotten a lot of responsibility for my brother. It's not that there are any issues with that, but he is not my kid.

"Let's go," I tell him, opening the door, but he doesn't move.

"What?" I ask, worried, and looks down at his shoes. They are not tied.

"Okay." I sigh as I bend down to tie his shoes.

"Let's go." I take his hand in mine and then help him in my car. My car is neither new nor old, but I still don't like it, because sometimes it won't start. I hope it's not today.

Nope, it's not. I start driving in the direction of Jake's school.

Irritating enough, it's on the other way from my school, so I have to drive there for ten minutes, so it will take twenty minutes to get to my school. Which will make me ten or fifteen minutes late.

"Have a good day, okay." I smile at Jake, and he nods before he shuffles towards his school. He has been down ever since our parents divorced. It was six months ago, and still, he struggles with accepting it. Not like I am okay with it, but there is nothing I can do.

I drive back the same way I came from and then some more. Like always, I do when I am late to look for a parking spot. Every place is taken, but I see one further down. So I need to run to my class.

I reach for my locker, searching for my English book, and then run towards my classroom. I dry my forehead with my arm before I open the door carefully.

"Harley." I hear my name and shrink. Miss. Cross always does that when I am late. She knows that I am the one that comes in the door, even when she can't see me. Cross is a grumpy woman at the start of her thirties. I don't get how a young woman like her is always grumpy.

"You are late again." She says as I stepped in the door.

"Out of my class, Miss. Scott." She points out the door. I close my eyes in frustration as I get out of the classroom. I am lucky if I don't fail in English, because it's the third time now, in just three months. That is not good.

I will hear about it when I get home. Even though I explain to both of them why I was late, but then they tell me that it's my fault for not getting out of the bed earlier. Maybe it is, but I don't expect to take my brother to school when it happens. I don't bother to argue about it, so I walk away from all of it.

I find my way to the lunchroom and sit down, waiting for the class to be over so that my friend Alissa will come and keep me company with her daily info. She knows everything that happens inside this building. It's like she has eyes and ears everywhere.

The bell rings, and I start to look around for my friend. Not long, she comes into the room with a smile and sits down next to me. Her light hair is up in a ponytail today, which weirdly enough fits that sly smile on her face very well.

"What is it?" I ask, confused but also amused.

"You and I are going to a party tomorrow." She says, determined, but I roll my eyes, looking in another direction.

"No, it will be good." She places her hand on my arm, and I meet her eyes again.

"You know I don't like parties." I remind her.

"I know, but you need to let that incident go." I watch her offended that she called it an incident; she makes it sound like I peed my pants, which was not what happened. It was nothing like that at all; it was a guy who didn't understand what no meant until I hit him in the head with a bottle. I don't know who he was. He was not from here at least, because I never saw him again.

"What?" She asks.

"I don't want to," I say, shaking my head.

"Come on. You have barely been out for the last months, and that dream of yours is just a dream, Harley. She isn't real. You need to get out of the house if you expect to meet anyone." She tells me. I am not happy with her words, but it's the truth. Sometimes it's easier to listen to the lie than the truth. I wish it weren't.

"Fine." I breathe, and Alissa attacks me with a hug, telling me how happy she is that I will come with her to the party.

"It will be awesome." She tells me, but I, on the other hand, do not have the same attitude. I don't want to go at all. It's not like I find it funny in any way, but it makes Alissa glad that I will, so why not. What can go wrong?

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