Chapter 1

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Liana Liberato plays Natalie


Chapter 01

My air supply felt limited and my throat was tight. I felt like I couldn't breathe for anything in the world.

"What's wrong with you," he took a step closer to me and I took one back.

I began to hyperventilate then.

What if he decided to attack me instead?

I've caught wind about a few of Avery's fights, and although none of the ones I've heard included a beat down of the opposite sex, almost all were brutal and he was always said to be merciless.

Who says today wouldn't be the day he decided to test out new things?

"Yeah you run," He shouted suddenly, making me jump a little. "little cunt." He muttered fiercely.

I kept pulling in little heaps of air but none of it seemed to reach my lungs.

"What the hell is up with you?"

I couldn't really see him, but I knew he had gotten a little closer to inspect me better so, as a reflex when it came to Avery Louis, I took another step back.

What I didn't realize was that the sidewalk wasn't as wide as I thought it was and ended up falling flat on my back onto the gravel of the road.

To make matters worse, a car horn blared while tires screeched in the near distance.

But before my seventeen years of life could've gotten cut short, I was yanked up.

Avery hadn't even bothered to ensure me a safe landing so I ended up on my butt yet again while he half-heartedly chased after the dark blue Nissan that almost molded me into a human pancake, cursing his head off at the guy behind the wheel.

Once he came back, huffing and puffing, he looked at me like a martian that just hopped out his butt.

"Please tell me your mental disability so I won't feel bad for yelling at you."

Tears had long since began to slip from my eyes but now my lips unintentionally began to tremble and pout.

It was a safe bet that I would've been wailing in no time if he started actually to yell at me.

He seemed to notice my emotionally vulnerable state and chose to roll his eyes instead of swinging at me.

"Get up," he sighed.

Being me, I did as told.

Avery walked past me and I guessed that he expected me to follow. But that would've been like walking into Hell with a gasoline suit on.

At some point as he strode across the emptied parking lot, he realized that I hadn't moved from the spot he left me in.

The plan was to make a break for it once he got far enough, but I was even more terrified at the thought of Avery Louis chasing me down the street like a rabid dog so I doubted that I would've done it anyway.

Avery spun around suddenly and looked at me incredulously.

"Well what the fuck are you waiting on then," he snapped. "for me to carry you, your highness?"

My cheeks flamed in embarrassment.

I didn't want a ride from him. I didn't need one. Desperately, I wished that I could tell him that but it seemed physically impossible.

The thick cool breeze wrapped around me as I shuffled over to his gorgeous red Ford truck. There were a few messes here and there but overall the interior of his car was pretty well kept.

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