Chapter 2

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Chapter 02

Somehow, I landed myself in the guidance counselor's office, which was a good sign in a way.

The guidance counselor was the one to discipline misfit kids and serve them with either an after school detention or a few days suspension. On the other hand, if you met the eyes of the principal after an altercation, you were sure to get hit with expulsion.

Nevertheless, the nerves were falling carelessly into my gut.

As soon as I stepped into the room, large security guard in tow, all eyes were on me.

"Why the fuck is she here?" Avery sneered almost immediately.

Beads of tears began to build up at his clear hatred and disgust towards me and while a lump began to form in my throat, I swallowed it and looked to the ground.

However, not before I caught sight of Mr. Hankerson's scolding brown eyes glaring right at Avery.

"Yeah, she really had nothing to do with this." Jared huffed after looking away from me. He seemed kind of...ashamed.

The security guard that led me here, spoke up from beside me.

"I saw her talking to the tall kid before I looked away and before the fight even started so she must know something," he explained.

"What is there to know? I beat his ass. I threw the first hit and beat him up. There. The trial is over."

However, the adults in the room just appeared to ignore Avery's confession.

Mr. Hankerson nodded. "Thank you for bringing her in Mr. Jackson," he said, dismissing the old taddle-tell.

I didn't make a move away from the door even after Mr. Jackson practically shoved me away as he made his way out.

"And what is your name miss?"

My gut was filling with knots and I contemplated on giving him a fake name but that would've probably just landed me in more trouble than I already was in.

Avery didn't bother looking up to see me as a nervous wreck and neither did Jared.

"Natalie," I muttered, making eye contact with nothing in particular.

"Natalie what?" The old man pushed, his fingers tapping away on his Mac desktop.

"Briggs," my voice fell a few decibles and I was surprised that he hadn't asked me to repeat myself.

A few long seconds of silence passed after I spoke then Jared suddenly broke it.

"Look, whatever our punishment is, leave her out of it. She really was nothing but a bystander."

I wanted to smile a little and thank him for his attempt of saving me but my nerves held me back.

"She shouldn't have tried to break anything up if she was so 'innocent'. She could've walked away."

My eyes flew wide. Why was Avery throwing me under the bus? I know that he really didn't know me much, but I didn't deserve any punishment for breaking up one of his fights. It was all just a big mistake!

"Could've ran to go get security." Mr. Hankerson added.

I'm pretty sure that he didn't know that Avery was referring to the first fight from yesterday but I'm sure that would've just made things worse for me if he had.

"So Mr. Louis, mind telling me what this fight was about?"

I peeked over at him, a little curious myself.

Avery was leaning back on his chair with his arms folded defensively over his chest. "Nah, I'll just get mad all over again and I'm pretty sure no one in this room would like to see that happen."

Mr. Hankerson only seemed disappointed with not being able to hear all the details for a mere second before speaking again.

"Well Natalie," he began, sounding profoundly impressed. "You're number five in your class, you have a good number of academic awards under your belt, and you also have a number of scholarships waiting for you after you graduate."

Having him boast all my nerdiness out in the presence of one of the school's baddest bad boys wasn't really helping me in any way.

Having Avery know that I was basically the child his parents wished they had wasn't one of the best things Mr. Hankerson could've done at the moment.

I didn't know how to reply, so I didn't.

"I guess the million dollar question is: how did you get yourself involved with these two jugger heads?"

I peeped Avery's head turn my way and when I slyly glanced his way, I found him staring hard at my face causing me to quickly look away. Jared still hadn't looked up and I began to worry that he had gone brain dead from all the blows he took to the head.

Mr. Hankerson must've caught me looking Jared's way because next he snapped his hand in front of his face.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked him.

Jared inhaled deeply, sounding like he had just woken up. "Actually no. Can I go to the... to the..." He trailed off then suddenly made a mad dash for the trash can, where he spewed his guts for a good 30 seconds.

When he finally stood up, he turned to me with a sheepish smile but it wasn't long before his face contorted and his cheeks filled.

I squealed when I saw the mix of fluids spew my way. Within seconds my day got a trillion times worse because I felt something warm begin to slide down my arm and I couldn't find it in myself to look.


Sorry for the wait and for the shortness of this chapter but there is more to come, and soon.

(not spellchecked, sorry for any mistakes)

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