Chapter 5

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                                                   Chapter 5

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded with venom no one else on this earth could admit that they've heard from me before.

He remained mute but of course he heard. I could tell by the way his jaw was set and eyes raged with annoyance as he stared ahead at the road.

At the next stop light, I attempted to push open the door but the asshole had the childproof lock on.

The Kings of Leon song had changed to some mellow Coldplay, but in all honesty I wished some hardcore rock would've played to fuel my anger.

"Open the effing door!" I whipped my head towards him after more than one attempt at opening that door.

As I looked over, I noticed him chuckling and I swear if the light hadn't just turned green I would've choked the bastard out!

"I'm calling the police," I announced in all seriousness. This guy was really nuts if he really thought I was about to willingly put myself in a kidnapping situation.

But of course, just as I whipped out my phone from a small pocket of my bag, Avery's freaking Twilight character reflexes made him easily yank my minute phone right from my fingers.

I saw him switch it into his left hand then into his left side pocket. My eyes bulged. "Give me my phone back!"

If I went home and told my mom that my phone was stolen, first off she might not even believe me (because who would want a crappy old minute phone when there was a whole new generations of smart phones out there to steal), and secondly she wouldn't have the money to replace it (she already had a set-in-stone budget plan).

As expected, Avery ignored me, but before anything else could happen he pulled into a small parking lot for this local convenience store I would walk to whenever I decided to walk over to the public library and had some change on me.

"You've got to be kidding me. You're seriously making a pit stop right now?"

"Yup," he said with a smile then pushed open his door and hopped out.

Once he slammed the door to a close and pranced his way into the store, I jumped into action.

I tried opening my door but it was still locked somehow. So I just hopped into his seat and tried doing the same thing, but also to no avail.

"What the heck," I muttered, completely baffled.

What kind of sorcery crap is this!

I was still trying with his door when the familiar jingle from the store door sounded and out came a running and grinning Avery.

He pressed a button attached to his keychain that was in his hand, while a big bag of hot Cheetos was in the other. Then another jingle sounded like a second later, and out came a short Hispanic man yelling at Avery to come back.

My heart pounded once he got to the door. "Move, move!"

Hurriedly I hopped into the passenger's seat in complete fear. The Hispanic man just reached Avery's door as he backed out.

"Next time fucker!" Avery exclaimed as he positioned himself to speed off in the direction of where I lived.

My eyes were wide as I stared blankly in front of me. "Oh my gosh." Was I just involed in a robbery situation? "Oh my gosh!"

"Chill out."

Those two words did it for me.

Keeping my lips in a straight line, I waited for the next red light and when it came, my inner lion took over.

I punched, kicked, scratched, and slapped him several times and after a while of him just shielding his face, he finally gave up with a growl and grabbed my both my wrist. I still tried to kick him and bite the hands he was holding me with but then he yelled at me to stop just as multiple car horns went crazy around us.

"Just stop freaking hitting me!" The cars started zooming around us and cursing as they did so.

I stopped once it hit me that the light had turned green and could've killed us both. He loosened his grip on me once he saw that I had settled down, and I fixed myself in my seat.

We were still at the light that had eventually turned red again, and Avery started digging in his pocket only to reveal a receipt. I was puzzled.

"I bought the chips and paid one of the workers to chase after me like I stole it to scare your "fragile" little self." He explained, making sure to throw up his air quotes around the word fragile.

I looked at him like he just told me that he was Nicki Minaj. "Why," I asked him simply.

"Because I thought that it would be funny. I didn't expect you to attack me."

"For good reason," I yelled. "To my understanding, you just kidnapped me and used me as your accomplice in petty theft!"

He just stared at me, saying nothing, and smiled- not with his teeth- making it more taunting.

"Take me home."

Something was seriously wrong with this kid's head. He was just purely insane.

Once we reached Anna's apartment I hopped out his car so quick and slammed the door with no thank you. Frankly, he didn't deserve one.

Once I got home, my mom asked me a few questions like where have I been, why didn't I tell her I wasn't going to be on time, and why I hadn't picked up any of her calls.

Absentmindedly, I just told her that I had my phone set on silence in the library and that I lost track of time. That was the second time I had lied to my mom because of Avery freaking Louis!

Feeling wiped out, I walked into my shared room with my siblings (my mom gave us the larger room with it's own bathroom while she bunked in the other room that was one-third it's size) and just flopped on my bed while Michael sat, doing his homework on his.

"Nat can I use your phone so I can call Cole," Michael suddenly asked after a little while of me just laying down with my eyes closed. "I forgot what pages we were supposed to do for math."

With a low groan, I reached down into my backpack that had fell on the floor besides my bed and aimlessly searched for it.

Then I was in full attention when my hand got retrieved nothing from my small pocket. I picked up my bag and sat it on my lap for a better look into all of the pockets. I still came up with nothing, but deep down I knew...

Avery freaking Louis still had my freaking phone!

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