Chapter 2: You Can Lean On Me

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Mitch was sleeping on Scott's shoulder in their uber as the two made their way to LAX to meet up with the rest of Pentatonix and crew.

Upon arrival Scott kissed Mitch's forehead.

"Wakey wakey princess."

Mitch just groaned in response, snuggling into Scott further. "Stop moving, pillow."

Scott chuckled a little. "Baby, I love you so so much, but we can sleep on the plane. Time to go meet up with everyone."

Mitch sighed, unbuckling himself and covering his mouth to yawn.

It took the boys 20 minutes to find the others and by the time they were waiting at their gate, Mitch was ready to sleep again.

Scott was talking to Nicole and Kirstie when Mitch walked over.

"Hi Mitchy." Kirstie smiled at him. "Tired?"

Mitch just nodded and pouted, Scott not giving him any attention as he was laughing at something Nicole just said to him.

Kirstie could tell Mitch was seeking Scott's attention so she tapped Nicole's shoulder.

"Nick, hi. Sorry for interrupting, but will you sit with me on the plane so you can fix my makeup before we get to Thailand? I don't want to look like death in any press photos."

Nicole smiled at her warmly. "Sure can. I was already planning on sitting next to you anyway, remember?"

"Oh yeah, you were weren't you?" Kirstie laughed.

Scott now noticed how upset Mitch looked and went up to him, wrapping him up in a big hug without a single word spoken.

"Okay?" He asked after a couple seconds, swaying the smaller boy in his arms.

Mitch shook his head sadly.

"What's wrong, honey? What can I do for you?"

"Don't put me on a plane for 16 hours." Mitch mumble grumpily.

Scott chuckled. "I wish I could somehow arrange for that to be possible, honey. You know I would if I could."

Mitch nodded. "I'm tired."

"Well we get to board in like 5 minutes."

Avi and Esther showed up a few minutes later, Avi carrying his guitar on his back. The two had been running late and everyone was worried about them missing the flight.

"There they are!" Kevin greeted. "Thank God you two made it okay."

"Never underestimate LA traffic." Esther panted, placing her purse onto a chair before plopping down onto the one beside it.

"I told you we would be late if you got up only an hour before. We both know how long you take to get ready in the mornings." Avi teased.

"I'm sorry that we can't all be super low-maintenance and still look amazing, baby bro." Esther responded, shutting her eyes.

Her relaxation was short-lived as the announcer began to board first class flyers onto the aircraft.

Esther groaned. "I never get a break."


"Do you want the window seat or aisle seat?" Scott asked Mitch as he placed their suitcases in the overhead compartment.

Mitch shrugged.

"How about you take the window seat? I know you like to peep out there when you feel anxious." Scott suggested.

Mitch didn't respond, he just took the window seat and curled up in his blanket.

Scott frowned and mentally scolded himself for annoying Mitch.

He closed the overhead compartment and sat beside his best friend.

"I'm sorry for being a bit much, I just want to make sure you're as comfortable as possible." He said, placing a gentle warm hand on Mitch's shoulder as Mitch buried himself deeper into his blanket.

Scott immediately knew what was happening.

"Don't cry. God, please don't cry Mitch. I promise you'll be okay." He said quickly, trying to comfort Mitch.

He peeled the blanket back to see Mitch's face.

"I'm being such a baby right now." Mitch said shakily.

"No, no. None of that. You're so brave. The fact that you're even on this plane right now is a testament to your bravery." Scott said, wiping a tear from Mitch's red cheeks.

"B-but I'm the only one crying on this plane right now and there are even fucking babies, Scott!" Mitch cried.

"Shh. It's okay. A lot of people get aviophobia, it's not abnormal. You just need to relax and breathe."

"Scott, I can't-can't... I can't breathe though." Mitch sobbed.

"Shh, yes you can. We've done this before Mitch, we always get through it. Breathe for me, beautiful."

Mitch took a deep breath and choked a little on his lungs.

Scott quickly handed him a bottle of water that Mitch quickly chugged down.

"Try to relax, okay? And like I always say, if it gets really bad like it did the time we went to Australia, you can ask me to give you xanax. Okay?"

Mitch nodded, slipping his eyes shut and trying to distract himself with the music blasting through his headphones as the plane began to take off.

As soon as the aircraft picked up momentum, Mitch found Scott's hand and squeezed onto it for dear life.

Kirstie and Nicole shot over nervous glances at Scott from their seats across the aisle and Scott just shrugged.

Scott then kissed Mitch's forehead. "Hey, you can lean on me." He whispered.

Mitch buried his face into Scott's shoulder as the plane hurdled in the sky.

"Mitch is so lucky he has a friend like Scott." Nicole smiled sadly.

"Yeah, but Scott is also lucky to have Mitch. Mitch is usually the level-headed one who keeps him calm. They're quite literally soulmates." Kirstie swooned.

Soulmates indeed.


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