Chapter 1: Prove it

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Thank you to everyone who voted YES for this book! Y'all are so sweet :) Without further ado... Enjoy chapter 1!


It was the evening before Pentatonix would be traveling to Thailand, Scott and Mitch had just finished pre-recording a couple of episode for Superfruit since they would be too busy on tour.

Scott was now sat in the super fruit studio editing while Mitch was pacing his room, freaking out

"Scott? Scott!" Mitch's voice rung throughout their shared house, startling Scott.

"In here babe, what's wrong?" Scott answered, pulling his headphones from over his head.

"There you are!" Mitch walked into the room and groaned frustratedly. "Have you seen my Vetements jacket? The cute oversized reversible one? I can't find it anywhere and I'm still not packed so I'm stressed." He pouted. 

Scott sighed, placing his headphones onto the desk beside his laptop before standing up. "I'll help you."

"No! You have to finish editing. I just..." He groaned again. "Was wondering if you had seen it is all."

Scott still felt as though he needed to help his best friend, so he just shrugged his shoulders. "I can edit on the plane. You're more important. Did you check the car?"

Mitch gasped and sprinted out of the room. "You're a genius, Samantha!"

Scott chuckled. "I know, Catherine."


Scott dragged his suitcase into the living room and placed it by the front door. 

"Mitchy?!" He called out.

"Hello?!" Mitch responded immediately. 

"Are you all packed yet?"

"One second!"

Mitch then came sprinting down the stairs with Wyatt in his arms. 

"So you're still not packed then?" Scott questioned, already know the answer.

"Don't be mean... Momma has a lot of clothes." Mitch pouted.

"Don't I know it."

"Hey!" Mitch exclaimed, placing Wyatt on the ground. "I said don't be mean."

"I'm only joking babe, can you let me help now? I've already finished packing and editing like three super fruit videos and you still aren't finished. Let me help you, I can tell you've been stressed all day."

Mitch sighed, finally giving up as he let his shoulders relax for the first time today. 

"Okay." He mumbled defeatedly. 

"Honey, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to help." Scott said, giving his best friend a warm smile.

"I know, I know. Thank you..."

"Of course. Now let's hurry so we can relax before we need to head to the airport. It's just now 9 and we need to head to the airport by 3 AM according to Esther."

"3 AM? I thought our flight isn't leaving 'til like 5:40."

"It's not, but we have to check bags and we're flying internationally. It's all a pain in the ass."

Mitch nodded in agreement. "Okay... Can I sleep in your room tonight?"


Mitch was curled up into Scott's side with a hand over Scott's chest, Scott draping an arm around Mitch's shoulders as they cuddled in Scott's bed. They were watching videos of Jazmine Sullivan and just enjoying each others company and their last night at home before heading out for tour again.

"Oh my god, my wig has just been snatched." Mitch commented after the 5th video of Jazmine Sullivan had ended.

Scott laughed. "I just can't even believe she's real."

"Same." Mitch yawned.

"It's getting late and we have to leave in like 4 hours."

"Yeah, I'm ready to call it a night. I just need to call Jayne and make sure she's still going to come pick up Wyatt."

"Oh yeah... I forgot that he needs to like, be taken care of while we're away." Scott joked.

Mitch just rolled his eyes and sent a text to Wyatt's breeder.

"What'd she say?" Scott asked, closing his laptop and placing it on his bedside table.

"Will you relax? I just texted her." Mitch sassed.

"Okay, Mr. Grumpy... Will you remind me to pack my laptop when we wake up?"

"If I remember to remind you, yeah." Mitch responded lazily.

Now Scott rolled his eyes. Mitch was being grumpy and when Mitch was grumpy Scott would always take it upon himself to torture him in the most obnoxious way.

"NO, Scott! Stop!" Mitch cried as Scott attacked his sides. "Get off of me!"

Scott didn't give in, mercilessly tickling Mitch until they were both red-faced and crying from laughter. 

"You're so mean to me." Mitch frowned once they had calmed down a little. They were now facing each other on the bed with Mitch wrapped up in Scott's arms.

"Hug me back." Scott pouted.

"No. You're rude to me." Mitch whined, crossing his arms to his chest.



"B-but... I love you!" Scott whined like a 4-year-old.

"No you don't."

"But I dooo!"

Mitch scoffed. "Prove it."

Scott kissed Mitch's forehead. "I'm sorry for tickling you. You're my best friend in the whole world and I love you more than I love anything in this world."

Mitch hummed. "Okay."

"Now you prove it."

"Maybe turn out the lights first."

Scott scurried out of bed, shut off the lights, and jumped back under the covers all in a matter of seconds. "Okay, now prove it." He whispered. 

The corners of Mitch's mouth curled into a tired smile as he wrapped his arms around Scott's body.

Right as Mitch felt himself drift off into slumber, he felt Scott place a peck on his cheek.

"G'nite Mitchy." He whispered raspily. "I love you."

"I love you more."


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