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 Second installment! Theres a  bit of spice too c; Enjoy!


   Throughout most of the concert, the boys walk up and down the catwalk, smiling and waving at the crowd. It riles them up.  After a while, I let myself go and sway to the catchy tunes. I have to admit, I didn’t think I would like these guys. I have never been much into pop, boy bands- no matter how attractive they were. My hips swirl and my eyes close, letting the guitars and beat run through me.  Later when I get home I have a feeling I’ll be downloading some of their songs.

“Thank you New York! I’m sure we’ll see you soon, ladies and gents,” the five boys stand arm in arm and bow to the audience. We all applaud and I look over towards Ana. Or where Ana should be.

“Ana?” I shout. Frantically I snap my head around in all directions, “Ana!” oh god. I lost her. I start shoving people out of my way in my panic. People give me dirty looks as I shove through them. I lost Ana and that is not good. She’s my responsibility.

“Ana!” I scream again. I need to calm down. Freaking out won’t help the situation. I turn around. The barricade is a few feet away; if I hop over it I can ask the security guards. Retracing my steps, I elbow my way back to the gate. I use my arms to pull myself over and immediately a guard comes to help me, or to make sure I don’t jump on stage, I’m not sure which.

When I’m standing up straight, I motion for him to take out his ear plugs.

 “I lost my little sister!” I shout. He nods and waves at me to follow. We walk past all the fans that had begun to file out of the standing area. The guard leads me through a set of doubles doors and then we are backstage.

The hallway is a cream color, with boxes and wires everywhere. Spare microphones and tuners lay about. Down at the end of the hall people are bustling back and forth. When I strain my eyes, I can see that certain blonde standing next to a water fountain talking to a guy that looks like he’s a part of the stage crew.

“What’s your sister’s name?” the security guard mumbles to me. It breaks me from my reverie.

“Ana Wilson, thank you so much for helping me-“he leaves me midsentence. I suppose I should wait here, but my curiosity gets the best of me and I saunter down the hall. Halfway, I pull the sweatshirt I was wearing over my head and shake out my long chestnut hair. The blonde turns his head and stares at me. The closer I get, I realize he is roughly a couple inches taller than me. Standing next to him, as he leans against the wall, I bend and take a sip from the fountain.

“It was a hot show,” I smirk, and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. He stares at me blatantly. I raise an eyebrow.

“Staring isn’t polite you know. Why don’t you introduce yourself; that’s the proper thing to do,” I chuckle, not breaking eye contact. Blondie blushes and kicks the toes of his shoes to the ground. He’s bashful, how cute.

“I’m Niall Horan, please to meet you..?”

“Emmy Wilson, at your service,” I make a grand gesture of bowing, with the intention of showing off some cleavage.

“Well, Ms. Wilson, if I was mistaken, I’d think you were hitting on me,” his accent is rather strong and hard to put. He takes a step close to me, and instinctively I back up. My back is pressed to the cold tiled wall and I regret taking off my sweatshirt. I visibly shiver.

“Do I make you nervous girlie?” he mutters as he closes the distance between us. Shit. He’s definitely Irish. I heard they kiss like experts. I wonder if I’ll get to find out.

“Well, wouldn’t you like to know, blondie,” I snicker. Another shiver runs up my spine as his hand trails from my wrist up to my elbow. In return, I place my hand on his shoulder and slide it to the back of his neck, pulling him a little closer.

“You know, I’m a brunette,” he mumbles in my ear, causing more goose bumps to appear all over my skin.

“So you’re telling me that the carpet doesn’t match the drapes, huh?” I chuckle again. Moving my head closer, I place my lips on his cheek and move closer to his mouth.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he breaths back, following in suit and kissing my cheek.

“Oh I intend to find out,” our lips meet and immediately the shyness is gone. Any hesitation is released and Niall’s hands are all over me. He presses his body into mine, pushing me against the wall so tightly. My hands find their way into his hair and I pull his head closer to deepen the kiss. Our mouths are locked and our tongues are dancing for dominance. My other hand grabs his back, pushing his hips into mine. It causes him to go breathless and this small feat makes me grin.

“Think that’s funny?” Niall whispers. His hands move to spots that make me moan. I want him. A deep tug starts in my stomach and I pull him tighter. One of his stray hands slides down my back a couple times before grabbing my leg and pulling it up to rest on his hip. We are so close. He smells of sweat and mints, which I find so alluring. He kisses my neck, my collarbone, and then…

“Emmy!” a voice shouts from down the hall. God damn it Ana, couldn’t you stay lost for another 10 minutes? But when I see her face I feel ashamed. She’s been crying, from what I can tell from the lines of mascara that ran down her face.

“I’m so sorry! I started talking to some girl and then you were gone and I got scared,” she sobs, completely ignoring the fact that one of her idols stands awkwardly at a distance. Niall walks in a small circle obviously quite shy again.

“Come here Ana, its fine. Getting lost is an experience,” Niall looks to me as I hug Ana. He makes a small shrug and I smile at him. What a cutie. I kiss Ana’s head and lean down to whisper in here ear.

“Don’t freak out, but look who’s behind you,” as soon as Ana turns, her frown is replaced by the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

“Oh. My. God. It’s you!” she nearly shouts, the rest is muffled as I keep my hand on her mouth. I give her a knowing look and she sighs. I let her go.

“Hi, my name is Ana and your band is my inspiration. Would it be okay if I had a picture please?” she, a 15 year old girl, gives Niall puppy dog eyes.

“Since you’re backstage, I have a better idea. Why don’t I introduce you to the whole band?” He smiles and I kind of want to hug him. Which is a strange thing because I hardly hug anyone besides Ana, let alone want to.

I glance at my watch and see the minute hand is inching towards 9:47. My show will be on in 13 minutes and even if we leave now I’ll miss a good 10 minutes. Ana looks at me pleadingly.

“Let’s make it quick,” I sigh. We both follow Niall deeper backstage to meet the rest of the band. What have I gotten myself into?

Comment if ya liked it, it'd be appreciated of course. Next part should be out in a day or two! :)

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