Chapter 1

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Thomas Lester had fluffy blonde hair that bounced on top of his head like a curly halo, with stray strands sticking out all over the place, glittering in the light. His eyes were a sharp blue colour, and they stood out against the tan in his skin so clearly that I was sure you'd still be able to see their colour in a dark room. Since the last summer break, he'd gotten much taller and now stood a foot higher than me, and his arms and legs had gained that lanky teenage structure the other girls and I would admire in the older boys who showed off their tricks in the local skate park at the weekends.. His neck was home to a defined Adam's apple that bobbed every time he spoke, and in the right light you could just about make out the light hair growing on his chin.

As I watched him from the back seat of Mr Spokes' car, I realised that puberty had served him well. I'd been smiling at the thought until my eyes scanned around to the reflection in the window beside me, and my pupils shrank at the sight of myself. My own blue eyes were a dull grey colour in comparison to his, and my muddy blonde hair was too frizzy and long to do anything with, so instead of styling it I'd simply pulled it up into a ponytail on the back of my head. My lips weren't full like Thomas' and my nose wasn't cute either—at least, it hadn't been since I'd walked into Alice's shoulder and broken it two years ago, causing a permanent bump in the centre (which Mum claimed was just down to genes and my face growing, but I was still insistent it was the result of my near-death experience with Alice's shoulder). I frowned at my reflection and turned away from it with a small sigh.

I was stupid to think that a boy like Thomas Lester would even take a second look at me in that way. People as attractive as Thomas were just on a whole other level. I may as well have quit the field trip there and then, knowing how sorry for myself I would feel by the end of the week. But I knew that was no longer an option, and besides, there was no reason for me to stay glued to Thomas' side for the whole week, was there? Sure, we were from the same school so we'd probably be expected to team up in some of the activities, but if there were to be other schools there, I might make some new friends...

I quickly learned that all of this was wishful thinking, however, when we pulled up outside the youth centre half an hour later (and three hours later than everyone else, thanks to Mr Spokes' bad map-reading skills and numerous coffee breaks on the motorway).

"Good morning! Welcome! You must be the students from Appleton High. It's great to meet you!" A woman with an overzealous smile appeared in the doorway to the large old building before us. She held a clipboard in her hand, and as she walked over she dragged three fingers through her dark brown hair, pushing the longer chunks of her uneven fringe out of her eyes.

Mr Spokes stepped forwards first to introduce himself, while Thomas and I stood awkwardly behind. I shuffled my feet and thrust my hands into the pockets of my jacket. Thomas kicked at a stone on the floor. Neither of us made eye-contact. Obviously.

"The rest of the group are taking part in the canoeing activity out on the lake right now," the woman, whose name badge read Hayley, told us. "Unfortunately you've arrived too late to join them all, but that's not to worry. It does mean, though, that you've drawn the short straw with the bedroom situation..." She pulled a face and shrugged her shoulders light-heartedly.

"Oh, that's not to worry!" Mr Spokes answered for us, and Hayley turned back to him with a grin of approval. "Our students are easily adaptable to any situation. It's one of their greatest traits! I'm sure they'll be absolutely fine with any room they're placed into." As he spoke the words, Mr Spokes stared hard at the both of us, nodding his head up and down as if to say, "And if they're not, they're going to have to learn to be, because I'm not bringing them back with me."

"Well, that's just brilliant!" Hayley said, and she began to step forwards, holding out a hand for both of us to shake. She went to Thomas first, and I watched as his hand gripped hers firmly. "Our support team made a mistake with the numbers this time around, so we've had to assign your students to one of the staff bedrooms. I hope that's okay with you, Mr Spokes." Her hand gripped mine and I smiled back at her, though all I could think about was the fact I was touching the hand that had just held Thomas Lester's, and it made my mind swim with happiness for the three seconds that I shook it.

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