Chapter 4

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Honestly, I'm not entirely sure whose idea it was to name the game Seven Minutes in Heaven because, at that moment, it felt like Seven Minutes in Hell. As soon as the door shut, it was impossible to make out any shape in the cupboard, and I wasn't even really sure how much room we had to move about in. I could feel Thomas' presence, though-he lingered in front of me, his breath warm in the air before my face.

It was uncomfortably silent for a long while before either of us spoke. Then, we both began talking at once, which only added to the awkwardness. It went something like this...

Sophie: "Shall we sit down, or..."

Thomas (at the same time): "I'm kind of glad the bottle landed... Sorry, you talk first. What was that you were saying?"

Sophie: "No, really. You speak first."

Thomas: "Oh, it doesn't matter anyway. I was just trying to make conversation."

Sophie: "Okay... Well, shall we sit down? I don't really want to stand for the whole seven minutes."

Thomas: "Yeah, okay." (We sat down on the floor at this point, and Thomas' knee knocked against mine. He didn't move it.)

Sophie: "So... Seven Minutes In Heaven, hmm?"

Thomas: (pause) "Yeah..."

Sophie: (pause) "Seems more like seven minutes of torture to me." (I let out an awkward laugh here and it came out too loud-damn, it really was quiet in this small cupboard.)

Thomas: (mumbling) "'S not...bad."

Sophie: "What?"

Thomas: "Um... It's not that bad."

Sophie: "Well, no... Okay, it's not."

Thomas: "It could be worse."

Sophie: "You mean, you could be with Ben?" (I laughed again here. Thomas didn't join in.)

Thomas: "Yeah. Or I could be with Lizzie."

Sophie: (swallowing hard) "I thought you liked Lizzie."

At this point, about one minute of our time was already up. It was impossible to hear anything happening outside of the cupboard. The atmosphere was close, and I could feel my palms beginning to turn clammy with nerves.

Thomas: "I like her, but... I just feel like she'd be too pushy in this sort of situation."

Sophie: "Well, the aim of the game is to kiss." (Great way to make yourself sound eager, Sophie. You prat.)

Thomas: "Yeah, kiss. Not land myself in a situation where I have to give up my virginity."

If it wasn't pitch black in the cupboard at that moment, Thomas would've been able to see the blush on my cheeks as he spoke. Fortunately, the both of us were still temporarily blind, so I took the opportunity to speak as normal. Which, roughly translated, means I took the opportunity to embarrass myself.

Sophie: "Hey, who says I'm not capable of making you give up your virginity, too? For all you know, I could be horny as hell. And now you're locked in a cupboard with me for seven minutes."

Thomas: (laughing) "Oh, man. You are hilarious, Sophie Allen."

Sophie: "No, seriously. I could be preparing myself to pounce and you'd never know."

Thomas: (still laughing) "This is why I'm glad you're in here with me, and not her."

Sophie: (blushing and grinning like a maniac) "So, you're not ready to potentially give up your virginity to Lizzie just yet?"

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