Season two:A New Order.

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Sorry for the long wait before the story starts I wanted to tell u guys that one will die and one will rewarded and one will rage.


Ok back to the base they said  Kodlak the leader of the Companion's of today wanted to talk to me............

going down the stairs.huhuhuhuhuhu (panthing).

I said to my self why am I feeling something bad is gonna happen.

So Kodlak said "The witches of  glenmore ,They started this.I Think they have the cure.

Then go get me those witches heads.

Then I asked."where can I find them."

"At the glenmore coven near whiterun.It is at deep woods.

Then I went out to do the quest.

I felt so nervious because they're WiTChes!!!.

Buttt that doesn't matter i 'm a werewolf.

I went to the Glenmore's coven then I turned to my beast form thanks to my "Ring Of Hircine" I get unlimited transformations hehe.I saw the first witch in the first path that kinda twisted me up she's so scary.Then I did it the hard way I roared then she ran I chased her and did a running attack that killed her.I took of her head.

Then of to the second one.I smelled her stinkinnes.Then she is more powerful than the other but. roared too the. bit of her head.

Then the third one saw me when I was running she casted a fire spell I was burning!!!

I killed her with rage.

After I got the heads.I was very hurted.Because of the fire that caused me to fall down.

But I got up and went to jorvarskkr on the way I healed thanks to my regeneration.

When I got there I saw Aela and one of our member  I look at the ground and there were two silver hand members dead.

Then Aela said these two aren't the only problem here.Then I went inside I saw someone lying then Vilkas said "where have you been!!"

I answered " I was out doing Kodlak's stuffs"

He said " Then I think that was important that you weren't here to Save HIM!

I was shocked!!

Then I looked to the ground....

I  I just couldn't Imagine that this could happen.

TheSilver Hand finally got the courage to attack Jorvarskrr.

Then  the clan brother of Kodlak gave me something.

"Keep this at the drawer of Kodlak at jorvarskrr.

It was a cure for disease's.

We went to the Skyforge to burn Kodlak's corpse.

After it was over the circle including me went to Ysgamors tomb.

Ysgamor is a remarkable Companion he forged the Wuutrad and lead the first five hundred companions to battle.

Then we saw the statue of Ysgamor holding the Wuutrad We took the Wuutrad of then a wall opened.

Then we moved Vilkas didn't I asked him why.

He said"Kodlak was right I let vengence rule my heart goodluck shield-brother.

Then we gone further the tomb

We fought Companion ghost's! They have archers,shield-sword,and greatswords.

Then we got further and further Farkas stopped and said.

"I can't go any further shield-brother."

"Why?" I asked

"Ever since dustmans cairn the big and crawly ones have been to much for me...I'll stay back with Vilkas give my regards to Ysgamor.

"Ok!"(now I know what I'm gonna put to Farkas's bedroom hahahhahah)

Now we got in and saw some frostbite spider's that are small.

Then one jumped on me I got wounded.

Aela caught the spider.

Thanks to her.

Then now we saw what Farkas is afraid of.

They are giants!!!

One caught my arm  but I quickly took of its two arms that got me before it bite's me.

Then I rampage'd I killed all the spiders but I'm  seriously wounded.

Aela gave me a potion.

I used it and all my wound's heal.

Now we got deeper we fought more companion ghost's.

Some one spoked it sounded like Kodlak!

I said" Kodlak? Is that you?!"

"Indeed I am me and these fellow's are here trying to evade Hircine."said Kodlak

"But I don't see any one else here ."

"That's because your heart only know's me as the only leader of the Companions."Kodlak said.

"Vilkas said you can still be healed."

"Oh did he now.Yo still got the witches head?"

I said" Yes.'

"Excellent now put them at the fire."

Now Kodlak struggled some thing red cane out of his body!

It was a big wolf spirit.

We had a hard time slaying it.

But we accomplished.

Kodlak said"Your name is gonna be told by companion's of the future."

"You will be remembered as the "Warmoger Of The Companion's!"Kodlak said.

"By the way you will lead the Companion's!" Said Kodlak.

Aela was suprisedof what she heared.

She said "The old man trusted you so will I."

"I said let's go now."

She said"This is a funeral I'll be here for a bit."



That's season two guy's  made it longer so you can enjoy it more.

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