Victor's Vore Adventure

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Requested by: @todomtsu 

im sorry everyone

You come home from a long day at work to your shared apartment. You share it with your big, lovable boyfriend, Victor Nikiforov. Victor sees the door swing open, and rushes to you, giving you a huge hug. 

"Y/n! I made dinner!" You pull away from the hug to see the food he made, and you're extremely shocked because Victor can't cook to save his life. 

"Wow Vic, thanks" You smile at him, and he pulls you to the table so you can sit down and eat. After you're done eating, he cleans all the dishes. You wonder why he's being so nice. 'He wants something' you say to yourself. 

The time rolls by quick, and it's time for bed. Victor and you go to your shared bedroom, and of course, Victor is in the mood. 'This is what he wanted wasn't it' you think. Lucky for him, you were in the mood as well. 

"Y/n", he holds your hands while sitting crisscross apple sauce on the bed. 

"I wanna try something new". You are confused, scared, but intrigued. 

"What is it?" 

"Can I just try it on you and see if you like it?" He asks, and you nod. You're extremely curious and nervous about what he's going to do. 

Victor stands up, shakes himself around a bit, then goes down to your feet. He starts sucking them into his mouth, one toe at a time, until your entire foot is in his mouth. He does the same thing to your other foot, so now both your feet are inside Victor. 

"Ah Victor, what the fuck" you moan, for some reason, this is turning you on. His mouth then slides all the way up to your kneecaps, and then your thighs, then your waist. 

"More Vitya more" you moan. This is pleasuring you, and you've already had multiple orgasms. Your moaning is turning Victor on too, his manhood is growing inside his pants. 

He smirks and sucks the top half of your body, slowly for pleasure, inside himself. You orgasm once more, and your vision goes dark. You are completely inside Victor. Victor decides to masturbate his boner away, then go to sleep, since it's pretty late. You fall asleep inside him. 

+the next morning+

Victor opens his eyes and looks at the time. The clock reads "8:05".

"Frick! I'm late!" He puts an overly large hoodie and sweatpants on, and runs to the ice rink. When Victor gets there, Yuri Katsuki, the Japanese boy he's coaching is already warming up. 

"Yuri! Glad to see you started without me!" He shouts and chuckles. 

"Yeah well I decided to - oh my god Victor, what happened to you? It's like somebody is inside you!" Yuri gasps at the sight of Victor. 

"Oh there is! Y/n is in me! We were trying out those new tumblr kinks." Victor smiles. 

"HI YURI, NICE SEEING YOU!" You yell, and that's when Yuri collapsed and died. 

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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