Preface: Chapter 1

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*Matthias's P.O.V*

"Matt, what's going on? What's happening?" Woods said, his head turning all different directions, his eyes darting back and forth between the people surrounding us.

Me, Woods, Samantha and Bailey were all in a circle, Woods and I trying to protect Sam and Bailey from these people in cars who were quickly pulling up around us.

We were in the parking lot of Red Base, it was around midnight, so it was pitch black besides the few light poles that were in the parking lot. My Tesla was a couple parking spaces away, but one of the cars was blocking it. I didn't think I would have enough time to get in, lock it, and drive away, so I just stood, looking frantically around, trying to search for a way out somehow, but there was nothing.

They were black sedans, each car filled to the brim with men in all black, wearing black jeans, a black shirt, black shoes, and then most terrifyingly, they were wearing masks that lit up in an eerie light red, the light so bright that I could barely look at them. It was even more eerie at night. It was terrifying to think that not only was there one person wearing a mask like this that broke in, but there were more. Many more who were seemingly under the spell that of Nelson Syphus. But who was he? I didn't know.

 Below the red masks, I could just barely make out gas masks. Or maybe it wasn't gas masks, but the red lights made it incredibly difficult to see. 

But of course, I those thoughts came and went. All I was worried about was the fact that all these men were holding guns. Some of the guns were long and scary looking, and others were just regular pistols. Didn't change the fact that all the guns were scary. I protectively wrapped my arms around Bailey and Sam, and Woods looked like he was going to start throwing hands. He was just waiting, looking at all the men, then looking at me. His eyes wide with a mix of fear and anger. 

Even if he did start punching one of these guys, the other guys would stop him. He wouldn't be able to get many punches in, even if he tried.

Suddenly a man practically ran up to Woods, grabbed him, the nails digging in his skin, so hard that Woods cried out in pain. The man then started dragging him towards one of the black sedans, Woods struggling all the way, trying to get a punch in, but it was no use. The girls (Bailey and Samantha) started worriedly yelling at the men to stop, yelling Woods's name in fear. All the while, I still had my arms around Bailey and Sam, trying to protect them. I knew that that protection wouldn't last long, but I would do it for as long as I could.

"Matt, what's going on?!" Woods screams, a crack in his voice. All the while still struggling as hard as he could, trying to throw a punch towards the kidnappers, but somehow they held his arms behind his back, tied his hands with rope, zipties, and chains,opened the car trunk, threw him in there, then slammed the trunk shut, then the men made their way towards us.

I wondered why they needed the rope, zipties and chains, but that thought quickly left my mind as the men started walking towards us.

Sam and Bailey grabbed me, trying to get as close to me as possible. I protectively put my arms in front of them, but the crazed men were all around us. The men grabbed Sam and Bailey, tied them up with just zipties for some reason and put them in separate cars, then slammed Bailey's door, but for some reason left Sam's trunk door open, then walked towards me.

I of course tried to run away, but they were faster than me. As soon as they got me they tied my hands behind my back and shoved me towards the car trunk that Samantha was in. She was tied up, her brown eyes wide in fear.

 The crazy men shoved me violently in the trunk, my body slamming against the car. I groaned in pain, closing my eyes to try and deal with the pain, but it didn't really work. Samantha and I were both breathing heavily, also trying to look at where Woods and Bailey were. I looked up out of the rear window and saw that Woods was still struggling to get out, but his hands were tied way too tight for him to have even made a dent. Ah, so that's why the men tied Woods up with so many things. They knew that Woods would try as hard as possible to get out. I had to admit, the men were pretty smart. 

The men then slammed the door, got back in their seats, closed their doors, and screeched away just as fast as they had come, probably leaving tire marks on the pavement just outside. 

I looked at Samantha, trying to adjust my body to sit up, but it didn't really work. I grabbed the floor with my hands, and with my legs I eventually sat up, leaning against the side of the trunk. I sighed, my body and voice shaking, "I'm so sorry I dragged you all into this," I whispered, trying to be quiet so as not to alert whoever took us.

She shook her head. "Matt, it's not your fault. We wanted to be here. You know that. You've said it since the beginning. Your curiosity overwhelms your fear. It's been the same for us. We were all just as curious as you. It's all of our fault. Don't blame yourself. It's not going to help anything".

I chuckled, then shook my head, looking sadly at her, then at the floor. "Sometimes I get overly into things, you know that. All the different "phases" I've had over the years I've been a YouTuber." I paused, shaking my head, then sighed. 

"I just wish I never came across that key."

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