The Mission to Save Tanner: Chapter 36

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*3rd Person P.O.V July 13th Wednesday 2018 4:16 P.M*

"But how? I'm speaking for everyone in saying that we don't want to encounter those girls ever again." She paused, tears filling her eyes. " Am I right?" Sam said, looking at everyone's faces. Silence fell over the room as everyone stared at each other, waiting for someone to speak up. Nobody wanted to say otherwise, but they couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

Connor sighed impatiently, crossing his arms. Sam noticed that his arms were muddy and scarred. Bruises of differing colors went up his arms onto his neck and face. Connor's bloodshot eyes looked at Sam in pity. He nodded, looking only at Sam.

"I get it, Sam. I know how you feel. I swear I do. I mean, you're scared. And you have a right to be. You just got kidnapped. All of you did." He paused, looking at everyone at once now. "I know all of you are scared, but I really need you guys. We certainly can't call the cops! I mean, look what happened when we did that! I just-I need your help. Please." 

There was silence for a long time, but then Woods walked up to Connor, turning around to face the whole group. Connor looked shocked and surprised at Woods but then quickly changed his face. Woods seemed to be concentrated on everyone, but Connor only looked at Woods.

"I think we should listen to Connor, Sam. But I'm not just talking to you. I'm talking to everyone here. Listen to Connor. I'm sure, nobody wants to see those girls again, but we also need to help Tanner.." Woods paused, his voice choking up with emotion. His eyes started to water. Woods took a deep breath, cracking with emotion. " Tanner's probably terrified guys, waiting for someone to come save him!" Woods said, his face turning red with anger.

Matt walked up to Woods and put his hand on his left shoulder. He nodded.

" Hey. It's going to be okay, all right?  We'll find Tanner, Woods I promise. And he'll be so happy and relieved. But uh, there's one problem. We also need to see if we can contact the FBI or someone who isn't going to betray us. That would have been a good idea at the start. I think we all were just in a rush with everything happening that we didn't think to even call anyone besides the cops. Who else wants to join me and Woods?"

"Whoa wait! Let me talk for a minute!" Woods exclaimed angrily. "Why do you think the FBI will be the people to call? We don't know if somehow the girls got a hold of them to betray us!"

Matt looked at Woods, very concerned. "We don't know anything. Asking "What if's" won't help anything! Let's just try and see if we can find a way to contact the FBI, then if they're working for the girls, that's when we'll figure something out, okay?" 

Woods started breathing really heavily and his eyes started watering again. Tears fell down his face as he fell to the floor, leaning against a wall until he was lying on the tiled floor. He suddenly started sobbing. His shoulders shook as he openly sobbed. His eyes closed, tears streaming down his face.

Sam went quietly over to where Woods was and gently pushed him off the floor so he was now sitting on the floor. Sam wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into an embrace. Woods wrapped his arms around Sam like a bear, tight and taut. Woods was mumbling something over and over again. Sam wondered what he was saying and so scooted closer to him.  But apparently Sam didn't need to scoot closer because Woods went over to her ear and whispered something.

"I-I'm so sorry, Sam. T-This is all my fault. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm more involved in this than I say I am," He whispered, his voice breaking.

 Sam let go of him and turned around. Everyone was looking at them. Sam stood up and motioned for everyone to go to a corner of the room. Sam had a look of confusion on her face. Silence. Sam looked back over at Woods, who was no longer crying. In fact, he looked really mad. He kept on like, talking to himself. At least that's what it looked like. Sam shook it off and looked back at the group.

"What did Woods say?" Matt asked, his eyes wide with wonder. 

Sam shrugged. "I-I don't know. H-He told me that all this was his fault. He said that he's more involved in all this than we know. B-But I trust him! He wouldn't do anything to hurt us! I've known him for a year and I know he wouldn't do anything. But anyway, enough about Woods. We need to find Tanner. Who's with me?"

People individually walked up, putting their hands in the middle until Mariah was the only one not in the circle. Everyone looked at her apprehensively., waiting for some kind of confirmation. Mariah sighed and shrugged her shoulders, rolling her eyes, walking towards the group and putting her hands in as well. She looked terrified, nervous, and all other bad emotions.

"I'm just scared. I don't want to end up like Tanner. AKA, dead." She paused, thinking. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just maybe don't think we should have too much hope about Tanner. If we get there and Tanner's....gone, I don't want you guys to be too surprised. We all need to be prepared for the worst." Mariah paused again, her face scrunched in thought. "Wait, but last time Joey and Bryan called the police, they ended up being in on it too. Who do we call? I mean, I know the FBI, but how do we get a hold of them?"

Everyone looked at Connor for information, and he thought for about 10 minutes before he answered.

"I have an idea. We need to break into the girls' website on the dark web. "

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